古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - rust怎麽讀?



意思是:n. 鐵銹;銹菌;赤褐色vi. 生銹;變成銹色vt. 使 ... 生銹;損害詞匯搭配:Rust Belt 工業衰退地帶... ;rust away 銹爛


1、The tools will corrode with rust if never used.這些工具如長期不用會長鐵銹而損壞。

2、Atoms of iron in the nail combine with atoms of oxygen from the air to form molecules of iron oxide, or?rust.釘子裏的鐵原子與空氣中的氧原子結合後形成氧化鐵分子,也就是銹。

3、When a metal object?rusts, it becomes covered in rust and often loses its strength.Copper nails are better than iron nails because the iron rusts...銅釘比鐵釘好,因為鐵會生銹。