admissions decisions是什麽意思
admissions decisions直譯為“招生決策”。\x0d\ 例句:\x0d\ 1、Middle of December: Early Action admissions decisions are available online.\x0d\ 十二月中旬,Early Action同學可在網上得知錄取結果。\x0d\ 2、Buffett applied to Harvard Business School but was turned down in what had to be one of the worst admissions decisions in Harvard history.\x0d\ 巴菲特曾申請哈佛商學院被拒,這後來成為哈佛歷史上最糟糕的錄取決定之壹。\x0d\ 3、High school seniors anxiously awaiting admissions decisions might find that question bizarre, but recently some strenuous arguments have been leveled against the value of a college degree.\x0d\ 那些在焦急等待著大學錄取通知書的高三學生可能會覺得這問題很怪,不過最近坊間針對大學文憑的價值,出現了種種熱議。