古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - skip的英語怎麽讀


skip的英語讀法:英/sk?p /、美/sk?p /。意思是輕快地蹦跳; 當(運動隊的)領隊; 跳繩; 錯過; 不參加; 偷偷溜走; 輕松跳過; 消失; 跳; 略過。


1、Losing a job is hurting: you don't skip down to the jobcentre with a song in your heart.失業是痛苦的:妳不可能在心頭哼著歌,跳著去就業中心。

2、His finger is poised over the Manual Fire button in case the thrusters don't kick in at the right instant, which could cause the Soyuz to skip off the edge of the atmosphere like a stone on a pond.他的手指懸在手動啟動按鈕上,以防推進器不能立刻啟動。 如果沒能正常啟動,聯盟號就會像投入池塘的石子壹樣,在大氣層上方消失不見蹤影。

3、The lightness of infant life can skip aside from the greatest of calamities, but with age evasion is not so easy, and the shock of that day I had to take full on my breast.童年生活的無憂無慮,讓人能從最大的不幸中跳將出來,但隨著年齡的增大,要逃避不幸卻不那麽容易,我的心只有完全承受那壹天的打擊。