古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - 上海萬耀企龍展覽有限公司的公司介紹


VNU歐洲展覽集團(VNU Exhibitions Europe)隸屬歐洲荷蘭皇家集團(Jaarbeurs),早在1916年就開始在歐洲主辦貿易展覽會,距今已有近百年。VNU歐洲展覽集團以挖掘潛在客戶為宗旨,為客戶提供多樣化的活動方案,將客戶利益定義為“以最低成本挖掘最多的潛在商機”。同時,其網上貿易展覽會還吸引了大量意向觀眾,有助於客戶開拓商機。

企龍展覽在中國主辦貿易展覽會的歷史可以追溯到1993年,是國內最早的展覽公司之壹。2001年,VNU歐洲展覽集團和企龍展覽合資成立上海萬耀企龍展覽有限公司***同開發中國展覽市場。目前公司總部設在上海,每年主辦超過20 場展覽和會議。



在合作的過程中,公司所表現出來的專業、務實和坦誠,獲得合作者的贊譽。 Since 1917, VNU Exhibitions Europe, affiliated to Royal Dutch Jaarbeurs has started to organize trade fairs in Europe, dating back to almost a century. It offers its customers various activities and solutions, aimed at lead generation. It has defined the interests of its customers as‘gathering as many profitable leads as possible at the lowest possible cost’. VNU Exhibitions Europe also facilitates its customers in this process, by attracting large numbers of interested visitors to its (online) trade shows.

The history of VNU Exhibition Asia organizing trade fairs in China can be traced back to 1993, when China's exhibition industry started to take off. It was one of the earliest joint venture exhibition companies in the country. Currently the company has offices in Shanghai, hosting more than 20 exhibitions and conferences each year.

The company is a member of Union of International Fairs (UFI), and Level A Qualification Unit of Shanghai Conference and Exhibition Association.

The company, as an open-minded enterprise, has always followed the principle of seeking cooperation with frankness and mutual benefits. We are convinced that cooperation creates value and that business cooperation based on mutual compliments in a win-win environment will reward both parties with high returns. Guided by this principle, we maintain long-term cooperation with many industry associations, research institutions, professional media agencies, trade shows and conference organizers, home and abroad.

During cooperation, the company gained tremendous appreciation from its collaborators for being professional practical and frank.