古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - become的用法


. 用作連系動詞,其後可接名詞、形容詞、過去分詞等作表語。如:He became a teacher at (the age of) 17. 他17歲就當了老師。The weather became warmer. 天氣變得暖和起來。Soon the roombecame crowded. 不壹會兒房裏就擠滿了人。註意:其後接過去分詞時,可表示被動或結果;但表示被動時,其後壹般不接 by短語。比如不說 Soon the room became crowded by students.

2. become 是終止性動詞,因此要表示“成為…有多長時間”有多長時間,英語不能將become與表示壹段時間的詞或短語連用。如:

他成為老師有十年了。正:He became a teacher ten years ago. 正:It’s ten years since he became a teacher. 正:He has been a teacher for ten years. 誤:He has become a teacher for ten years. 3. become 之後壹般不接不定式表示“逐漸…” (此時可用 come, begin+不定式)。如:+不定式正:He began [came] to like English. 他開始喜歡英語起來。誤:He became to like English. 正:He became ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。誤:He became to be ill yesterday. 4. 用於習語 become of, 表示“發生”、“遭遇”等 (常與 what連用)。如:What has become of the girl? 這個女孩後來怎樣了?

Idon’t know what will become of me if I fail this time. 要是我這次不成功,我不知我會怎麽樣。