1. 必要性。這是壹個知識經濟的時代,信息正在以前所未有的速度膨脹和爆炸,未來的世界是網絡的世界,要讓我國在這個信息世界中跟上時代的步伐,作為21世紀主力軍的我們,必然要能更快地適應這個高科技的社會,要具有從外界迅速、及時獲取有效科學信息的能力,具有傳播科學信息的能力,這就是科學素質。而因特網恰恰適應了這個要求。鄧小平爺爺不是說:"計算機要從娃娃抓起"嗎?
2. 實用性。網絡世界資源***享,它就像壹個聚寶盆,壹座取之不盡用之不竭的"富金山",誰勤於在這座金山上耕耘勞動,誰就會有所得。妳可以從中最快地查找學習資料,可以學會更多課堂外的知識,並靈活地運用課內知識,促進思維的發展,培養小學生的創造力。上網還可以超越時空和經濟的制約,在網上接受名校的教育,有什麽問題,妳也盡可以隨時通過網絡得到老師的指導。而且互聯網上的交互式學習、豐富的三維圖形展示、語言解說等多媒體內容,使得學習變得輕松、有趣,這可是任何教科書都不可能具備的哦!另外,網絡上以英語的使用率和內容為最多,分別為84%和90%,這將會促使我們更積極地去學習英語,這難道不好嗎?
3. 現實性。每所中小學建立電腦教室,普及網絡知識,推動小學生家庭上網,實現遠程教育與知識***享是為了培養小學生學習和應用信息、技術的興趣與意識,培養我們獲取、分析、處理信息的能力,這已成為勢在必行了。再看看我們身邊,學校的網站不正搞的紅紅火火,王老師不也建議大家多多去學校的網站看壹看嗎?班級的網站不也都在緊鑼密鼓的制作嗎?如果上網不好,為什麽要建這些網站呢?
網絡的快捷同樣也有它的優勢,通過網絡,我們可以及時地知道壹些最新的新聞;通過網絡,我們可以在短短幾小時內訪遍全國各地的小學,在網絡圖書館裏查詢我們所需資料,借助網上的資料,從容地完成學業,考試後可以馬上知道成績,有了問題可以隨時通過電子郵件請求老師指導。就拿大家印象最深的非典來說吧,非典時期,廣州、北京壹些學校不得不停課,為了實行同步教學,人們發明了網校,每周網校教學內容全部和學校課程進度保持壹致,我們在全國各地通過上網都可身臨其境地接受全面教育。Network to the role of human beings could go on, the network is the emergence of modern social progress, a symbol of scientific and technological development. Illiterate in the modern sense refers to those who are no longer illiterate people, but from the information age, computers do not understand people. Developed in science and ancient times, people have illusions to stay at home on the world-known, high-speed information has now become a reality to fantasy. As the twenty-first century primary and secondary school students, are able to read the book saints, not the world hear it? We believe that there are many benefits of the Internet, the Internet can broaden our horizons, the exchange has provided us with, the liberalization of friends, play games success, let us know to keep the novelty, we will have won a kinds of sense of achievement.
First, the primary Internet access, contribute to the early intellectual development. Ten computer linkage with the children on computer networks use a variety of functions to enhance a child's intelligence, skills and intelligence, and intelligence, skill and intelligence is a manifestation of people's quality of three major elements. Therefore, primary and secondary school students the Internet is not only essential in itself, but as long as proper guidance and control, is indeed a lot of good.
Second, the Internet will help to expand the field of children's knowledge through the network access to a wide range of new knowledge. A long time, we compare the importance of specialized training to the neglect of the integration of knowledge, therefore, difficult to improve the quality of education strategies, in many areas, the lack of complex new humanities scholars, a direct impact on the development of various trades. Therefore, we have a wide range of training from an early age a knowledge of the complex will not only help to enhance the quality of education, but also for the 21st century of great significance to the human resources strategy. In addition, the proportion of the population to increase access and help speed up the process of social information, and this process of economic development and social progress in a very important role. Made through Internet E-mail, so that we establish the e-mail from a young age, e-commerce, e-consciousness writing, can save a lot of wood pulp paper, improving the environmental standards; as the future of the motherland, we can establish e-commerce awareness and use of electronic money awareness, the whole nation is an important indicator of quality, but also help to promote the process of electronic money to improve the quality of the entire nation. Learn the computer, but also help to stimulate our creativity.
Third, the primary and secondary school students can understand that many of the Internet's rich resources and information. Network is also a very good teacher, with the development of science and technology, the computer will become more and more advanced, more and more widespread use. Its appearance has brought us many changes, it can be written in precise writing computing. These are the benefits of the Internet.
From the four aspects of our point of view:
1. Need. This is a knowledge-based economy, information is expanding at an unprecedented rate and the explosion of the world is a network of the future world of information to make our country in this world keep up with the times, as the main force of the 21st century we must ability to adapt to the high-tech society, we should have from the outside world rapidly, timely access to scientific information effectively with the ability to disseminate scientific information, that is, the quality of science. The Internet is precisely adapted to this requirement. Grandpa was not Deng Xiaoping said: "The computer should從娃娃抓起" it?
2. Practicality. The world's resource-sharing network, which is like a cornucopia, an inexhaustible supply of "Jinshan fu" and who diligently work in the gold mine labor, will be obtained. The fastest you can find learning materials, can learn more knowledge outside the classroom, and flexible use of class knowledge, to promote the development of thinking and cultivate the creativity of students. Internet can transcend time and space and economic constraints, in-line to receive school education do you have any question, you can do through the guidance of the teacher network. On the Internet and interactive learning, rich three-dimensional graphics display, language guide, such as multimedia content, making learning easy, interesting, this is no textbook can not have Oh! In addition, the network usage in the English language and content for the largest, were 84% and 90%, which will enable us to more active learning of English, is that really not good?
3. Reality. The establishment of a computer in every classroom in primary and secondary schools, universal network of knowledge, promoting the family primary and secondary school students the Internet, remote education and knowledge sharing is the primary and secondary school students to foster learning and application of information, technical interest and awareness and training of our acquisition, analysis, processing information, This has become an imperative. Let us take a look around us, the school's Web site errors trying to booming, Wang also suggested that teachers do not go to school a lot of us take a look at my site? Site classes are also produced in the intense it? If the Internet is not good, why do these sites to be built?
Indeed, as a new thing, we believe that there are some disadvantages of the network, but the primary and secondary school students in schools under the correct guidance of the teacher and parents under the guidance will enable us to a correct attitude to the application of network such tools. 21st century will be the information age, we will be the future of our motherland. Understanding and knowledge of computer networks, knowledge, spells the future of the information age is the most powerful weapons. Let us believe that we pay little by little by the efforts of the Department will gather sand tower, will get a return. Therefore, I repeated our point of view: primary and secondary school students the Internet do more good than harm!
Zhengfang Second debate: teachers, students, Friends of the other dialectical everyone! Bring the benefits of networking are numerous human beings, the emergence of networks of modern society and a symbol of scientific and technological development. Illiterate in the modern sense refers to those who are no longer illiterate people, but from the information age, computers do not understand people. Developed in science and ancient times, people have illusions to stay at home on the world-known, high-speed information has now become a reality to fantasy. As the twenty-first century primary and secondary school students, are able to read the book saints, not the world hear it?
Friends give each other all sorts of dialectical examples to show that the network of the drawbacks of our primary and secondary school students. However, I have to say anything in the new stage will always have some defects are not suited, if we are only one small flaw in it and kill it, then we are not a lot of little things are essential?
Fast network also has its advantages, through the network, we can know in a timely manner some of the latest news; through the network, we can visit in just a few hours in primary schools across the country through the network we need to query the library information With online information easily complete their studies, to know immediately after the examination results can be had at any time by e-mail requests for guidance teachers. Take you the impression that it is the most atypical pneumonia, SARS, Guangzhou and Beijing have closed some schools, in order to synchronize the implementation of teaching, it is the invention of School, School teaching all week and the progress of the school curriculum in line throughout the country, we can feel through the Internet to accept an all-round education.