babies
豆豆娃;豆寶寶;豆豆娃娃
例句
that
time
beanie
babies
was
a
big
hit,
and
we
thought
we'll
do
a
bunch
of
different
ones.
那個時候豆寶寶很流行,我們就想做做壹大堆其它的玩意。
2.even
mcdonalds
and
ty
partnered
up
in
order
to
provide
mini
beanie
babies
as
the
prize
in
happy
meals.
麥當勞甚至還跟ty公司合作,將迷妳豆豆娃作為歡樂套餐的贈品。
3.the
most
popular
happy
meal
toy
ever
was
when
mcdonald's
gave
out
more
than
million
teenie
beanie
babies.
最受歡迎的開心樂園餐玩具是麥當勞的teeniebeaniebabies系列,總***送出了超過十億只!
4.the
ty
company,
which
originated
in
1993,
was
the
most
popular
for
beanie
babies.
豆豆娃誕生於1993年,最著名的豆豆娃生產廠家是ty玩具公司。