古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - come out中文翻譯

come out中文翻譯

"Come out"是壹個常用的英語短語,可以指壹個事件發生,或壹個人離開某個地方或隱藏的地方而現身,通常翻譯成“出現”、“出來”、“公開”等。

以下是 "Come" 動詞的幾種常見用法:

1. 表示到達某個地方,意味著從壹個地方去到另壹個地方。例如:

- I come to work every day by train. 我每天乘火車上班。

- He wants to come to your party tonight. 他今晚想來參加妳的聚會。

- We came to this city for a vacation. 我們來到這座城市度假。

2. 表示開始做某事並進行到目前的狀態,即表示進行中的狀態。例如:

- She is coming to understand the meaning of this phrase. 她開始理解這個詞組的含義。

- The project is coming along nicely. 這個項目進展順利。

- The flowers are starting to come out. 花開始開了。

3. 表示想到某個主意、計劃、或想法。例如:

- I can't think of anything right now, but something will come to me. 我現在想不到什麽,但是肯定會有點子發現我的。

- She came up with a brilliant idea for her presentation. 她想出了在演講中精彩的點子。

- A thought just came to mind. 我頭腦裏閃過這樣壹個念頭。

4. 其他固定搭配也很多,例如:

- Come on! (快點!來吧!)

- Come in! (進來!)

- Come back! (回來!)

- Come up with (想出,提出)

- Come down with (患病,感染)

- Come across (偶然遇到,碰見)

- Come out of one's shell (敞開心扉)

- Come to light (曝光,暴露)