There are two zeros in the number 100。數字100中有兩個零。
Don't forget to put zeros in front of the decimal point。不要忘了在小數點前面加零。
1、變為或歸零:例如:The team was zeroed in the first round of the tournament。這支球隊在錦標賽第壹輪被淘汰。
2、瞄準目標:例如:The sniper slowly zeroed in on the target。狙擊手慢慢地瞄準了目標。
3、把某物的價值或數量降低到零:例如:Inflation has zeroed the value of people's savings。通貨膨脹已將人民的儲蓄價值降低到零。
4、將測量儀器的讀數調整到零刻度:例如:Zeroing a set of scales ensures accurate measurement。調零壹套天平可以確保準確測量。
5、消除或抵消:例如:New government subsidies have zeroed the cost impact for most consumers。新政府補貼已抵消了大多數消費者的成本影響。
1、zeros可作可數名詞或不可數名詞使用。如:There are three zeros in this number/ I don't want any zeros in my test score。兩種用法都正確,意思略有差別,要根據具體語境選擇。
2、zeros可使用zeroes拼寫,兩種拼法都正確,但前者更常用。如:Please fill in all the zeros/zeroes on this form。
3、zeros不可直接與a/an連用,要說zero或a zero。如:I need a zero to balance this equation、 不可說:I need a zeros to balance this equation。
4、與amount、number、 digit 等詞連用時,zeros作主語時動詞用單數,作賓語時動詞用復數。如:The number of zeros are more than the digits / The amount of zeroes in the figure seems incorrect。