古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - trend to do還是doing

trend to do還是doing

trend to do,趨向幹某事。

trend讀音:英 [trend] 美 [trend]

n.趨勢;傾向;方位 vi.傾向;

trend 第三三人稱單數: trends 復數: trends 現在分詞: trending 過去式:

trended過去分詞: trended


tendency 發音:[?tend?nsi]


tendency 只有復數:tendencies

例句: Finally this paper discusses the research, application and development tendency of precision agriculture. 最後論述了精細農業的研究、應用及發展趨勢

Trend analysis趨勢分析;

downward trend下跌趨勢;

average trend平均走向;

price trend價格趨勢

market trend市場趨勢;

common trend***同趨勢

natural tendency自然趨勢;自然傾向

Globalized tendency全球化趨勢

development tendency發展趨勢

tendency to sth趨向;趨於

central tendency集中趨勢;居中趨向

例句: There is a

tendency towards regional cooperation.有壹種地區性合作的趨勢。

The trend of prices is still upward.


總結:trend: 指事物發展總的方向
