古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - 21世紀大學英語S版綜合教程2課文翻譯


One summer, I drove from my hometown of Tahoe, California, to New Orleans. Deep in the desert, I met a young man standing by the road. He made a thumbs out gesture with one hand and held a gasoline can in the other. I drove directly past him. Others will stop, I think.


Besides, the gas tank is just a cover to stop the car and rob the driver. There was a time in this country when people would think you were a jerk if you ignored people in need, and now you are a fool if you helped them. There are criminal gangs, drug addicts, murderers, rapists, thieves and carjackers lurking everywhere. Why take risks? "I don't want to be involved" has become a national creed.

再說,那汽油罐只是個讓車停下、好搶劫司機的幌子而已。在這個國家,曾有那麽壹段時間,妳要是對需要幫助的人置之不理,大家會認為妳是混蛋,而如今妳要是幫了妳就是笨蛋。到處潛伏著犯罪團夥、吸毒上癮者、殺人犯、強奸犯、盜竊犯還有劫車犯,為什麽要冒險呢?“ 我不想卷進去”已經成為全國性的信條。

After driving a few states, I was still thinking about the man who wanted to hitchhike. Leaving him alone in the desert didn't upset me much. What bothers me is how easily I made this decision. I didn't even lift my foot off the gas. I'd like to know if anyone can park now?

開過 了幾個州以後,我還在想著那個想搭便車的人。把他壹-個人留在沙漠中倒並沒有讓我有多麽不安。讓我不安的是,我多麽輕易地就做出了這個決定。我甚至根本沒把腳從油門上擡起來。我很想知道,現在還有人會停車嗎?

I think of the destination of my trip --- New Orleans. It's the setting for Tennessee Williams' streetcar desire. I will think of Blanche DuBois's famous saying: "I always rely on the kindness of strangers." The kindness of strangers. That sounds strange. Who else can count on the kindness of strangers these days?

我想到我此行的目的地- - -新奧爾良。那裏是田納西.威廉姆斯的劇作《欲望號街車》的背景地。我會想起布蘭奇.杜波依斯的名句:“我總是依賴陌生人的善意。”陌生人的善意。聽起來好怪。如今這年頭還有誰能指望陌生人的善意嗎?

One way to test this is for a person to travel from the east coast to the west coast, without a cent, entirely on the goodwill of his fellow Americans. What kind of America will he find? Who will give him food, rest and a ride? This idea aroused my curiosity. But who would be so impractical and willing to try this trip? Well, I think, why don't I try it?

要驗證這壹點,壹個辦法是壹-個人從東海岸旅行到西海岸,不帶壹分錢,完全依靠美國同胞的善意。他會發現壹個什麽樣的美國?誰會給他飯吃、讓他歇腳、捎他壹程呢?這個念頭激起了我的好奇心。但誰會這麽不切實際、 願意去嘗試這樣-次旅行呢?好吧,我想,那不如我來試試?

The week I turned 37, I realized that I had never risked anything in my life. So I decided to make a conceptual leap. The American continent is so wide - from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, without any money. If someone gives me money, I will refuse.


I only accept the help of hitchhiking, providing food and resting my feet. It will be a journey without money through this land of money. My final destination is the Cape Fear in North Carolina, which symbolizes all the fears I have to overcome along the way.





常見的引導表語從句的從屬連詞(Subordinating Conjunction)有when,where,why,who,how,that。它們都有代詞(Pronoun)詞性,即具備名詞(Noun)性質,所以可以引導主語從句、同位語從句、賓語從句、表語從句全部四種名詞性從句。

英語裏壹個詞可以同時擁有多種詞性—— 如:表語從句 This is where he lives。where在主句中作表語,是代詞詞性;where引導表語從句,是(從屬)連詞詞性;where在從句中充當狀語,是副詞詞性。