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世界巧克力夢公園 世界巧克力夢公園北京




而且每周壹至周五,前500名購票入園觀眾,將獲得用比利時巧克力做的限量版“世界巧克力夢公園”門票壹份。更有來自《媽媽咪呀》、《貓》等國際團隊人員參與創意的《巧克力王國成險記》劇可以看、國際巧克力大師現場制作巧克力可以嘗、還有互動贏金幣、甜蜜壹把抓、量體重換金幣等活動可以玩,就在上海東亞展覽中心,地鐵1、4號線上海體育館站 直達,感受徐家匯很巧克力的魅力

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The World Chocolate Wonderland Theme Park in Beijing begins to accept customers from January 29th, 2010 to April 10, 2010. Located on the north side of Bird’s Nest National Stadium, the park is the first of its kind in China. The Chocolate Wonderland is consisted of five indoor halls, including the World’s Chocolate Hall, World’s Candy Hall, Wonderland Theme Hall, Sweet Experience Hall and Sweet Gift Hall, as well as the outdoor activity areas of Sweet Stages and Sweet Shopping Street.The Chocolate Wonderland is meant to provide a visual feast for tourists from all over the world. In the theme park, tourists are able to see the lifelike chocolate-made miniature of many famous China attractions, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses.On entering the theme park, you will start a sweet journey which enables you to appreciate the distinctive chocolate-made artist works and the performances of expert chocolatiers. If you are interested in the craft of chocolate making, just ask the experts for assistance. The Chocolate Wonderland is built to allow visitors to “see, touch, taste and smell the delicacy on their own”. This year, lovers are able to spend a sweet and romantic Valentine’s Day in the theme park.Information about Beijing's World Chocolate WonderlandOpening Date: from January 29 to April 10

Location: On the north of Bird’s Nest

Ticket Price: 80yuan.

Telephone Number of Ticket Booking: 400 610 3721

How to Get There: Take Subway No.8 to the stop of Olympic Green, and get out of the subway station from the southeast exit, and then walk eastward for about 50 meters. There are also a lot of Buses that can take you to the Olympic Green.





