古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - S.o.是什麽意思



縮寫詞 abbr.

1. =seller's option 商賣主選舉權 2. =strikeout


副詞 ad.

1. 這麽,那麽;口多麽,非常

I'm so pleased to see you.

看到妳我真高興。 2. 就那樣,像這樣;如此

Hold the fork so.

要這樣拿叉子。 3. (so後用倒裝結構)也如此,也壹樣

I was tired, and so were the others.


I like dancing; so does my wife.

我喜歡跳舞,我太太也喜歡。 4. (so置於句首)確是如此,正是那樣 5. 因此,所以

He is sturdy and so fit for the job.

他很健壯,所以適合擔任這個工作。 6. 如此看來

So you'll quit school?


連接詞 conj.

1. 因此,所以

The manager was ill so I went in her place.

經理病了所以我代她去。 2. 因而,從而

Mum told him to go to bed early so he could get up early the next morning.


感嘆詞 int.

1. (表示驚訝等)啊,哦

So! You've kept me in the dark all the time.

哦!原來妳壹直把我蒙在鼓裏。 2. (表示同意等)好,行 so.

縮寫詞 abbr.

1. =seller's option 賣主選擇權 2. =senior officer 高級軍官,校級以上軍官;高級船員 3. =sex offender性罪犯 4. =shipping order 裝貨單 5. =ship's option 承運船選擇權(用尺碼噸和重量噸計算運費),船舶選擇權 6. =shop order 工作單,派工單;工廠定單 7. =south(ern) 8. =standing order軍現行命令;長期定單;標準作業程序 9. =supply office(r) (英國)補給軍官;後勤處長