古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - trail-and -error是什麽意思?

trail-and -error是什麽意思?

Trial and error, or trial by error, is a general method of problem solving, fixing things, or for obtaining knowledge.是壹種方法,“反復實驗,反復嘗試”。

eg1 He learned technical skills by trial and error.他們通過反復實驗學習了不少科學方法。

eg2 Thet managed it by trial and error.他們靠反復實驗得到結果。

eg3 We'd just blast away in a trial-and-error process。我們剛在拼命用反復做實驗

eg4 The only way to solve this problem is by trial and error.解決問題唯壹方法是,反復實驗。