古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - wavin’Flag的中英文歌詞....


Waving Flag by K’naanGive me freedomGive me fireGive me reasonTake me higherSee the championsTake the field nowYou define usMake us feel proudIn the streetsOur heads are liftingAs we lose our inhibitionCelebration it’s around usEvery nationAll around usSinging forever youngSinging songs underneath that sunLet’s rejoice in the beautiful gameAnd together at the end of the dayWE ALL SAYWhen I get older I will be strongerThey’ll call me freedomJust like a waving flagSo wave your flagAnd wave your flagAnd everybody will be singing itAnd we all will be singing it給我自由給我激情給我個理由讓我飛得更高看著冠軍走向賽場妳為我們正名 妳讓我們自豪在街道上我們昂首向前當我們失去了束縛在我們身邊慶祝吧每個國家在我們身邊歌唱永遠的年輕在太陽下歌唱讓我們在這美麗的運動中歡慶吧相聚在這天的到結束我們壹起說當我長大,我會變得更強我會獲得自由就像那旗幟飄揚請揮舞妳的旗幟揮舞妳的旗幟每個人都會為之歡唱我們都會為之歡唱