三天以後:three das ago過去時
in three das三天以內/前,將來時
以後……:from now on
1. 那人說從今以後他要努力工作了。
The man said that he would work hard from now on.
2. 從今以後,我跟他壹刀兩斷。
I'll have nothing to do with him from now on.
3. 希望咱們的命運好轉起來,從今以後我們不會有這麽多的艱難困苦。
Let's hope our luck is on the turn and that from now on we won't have so many difficulties.
by the way,如果以後有問題請寫詳細壹些,方便我們想要幫助妳的人對癥西藥。