古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - RIHANNA的新歌Princess Of China什麽意思?(不是中國公主)

RIHANNA的新歌Princess Of China什麽意思?(不是中國公主)



just sing the song whatever u like

壹首歌無論妳怎麽理解都不會錯,所以,我依然喜歡把這首歌譯為中國公主,而不是直接譯為 臺灣和大陸,還珠妹子,等



Once upon a time somebody ran(曾經有人奮力奔跑)文明古國嘛嘛,文明當然跑得比其他民族快

Somebody ran away saying as fast as I can(說他用自己最快的速度跑著)浮誇炫耀壹下有什麽不好

I've got to go...got to go(我也已經出發,已經出發)

Once upon a time we fell apart(曾經我們彼此分離)合久必分,分久必合

You're holding in your hands the two Halves of my heart(但妳始終用雙手緊擁我那顆碎成兩瓣的心)妳可知MACUO不是我真名

Ohhhhh, ohhhhh!



Once upon a time, we burn bright(曾經,我們發出耀眼的光芒)4大發明什麽的有沒有

That all we ever seem to do is fight(我們壹直在據以力爭)這塊大陸是世界公認發生戰爭最多的土地,難道是因為歷史悠久的原因?

On and on...(不斷戰鬥)

And on and on and on...(不停奮鬥)

Once upon a time on the same side.(曾經我們站在相同的立場之上)國***合作

Once upon a time on the same side, at the same Day(曾經我們站在相同的立場上,就在那壹天)

And why'd you have to go have to go and throw it all on my fame(那妳為何還是選擇離開並且帶走了我所有的榮譽)

I could've been a Princess, You'd be a King(我從未成為公主,但妳已經成為國王)

Could've had a castle, and wore a ring(我永遠無法得到城堡,不能帶上戒指)

But noooooo, you let me gooooooo!(但是事與願違,妳依然讓我離開)

I could've been a Princess, You'd be a king(我從未成為公主,但妳已經成為國王)

Could've had a castle, and wore a ring(我永遠無法得到城堡,不能帶上戒指)

But noooooo, you let me gooooooo!(但是事與願違,妳依然讓我離開)i miss u

And stole my star(並且偷走了我生命中的星光)

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

You stole my star la, la la la la laaaaaa(妳偷走了我生命中的星光)

Oooooooh-oh oh oooooooh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh

Oooooooh-oh oh oooooooh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh


Cause you really hurt me(因為妳真的傷到我了)

No you really hurt me(壹切都被否定,妳真的傷到我了)

Cause you really hurt me(因為妳真的傷到我了)

No you really hurt me(壹切都被否定,妳真的傷到我了)

Cause you really hurt me(因為妳真的傷到我了)

Ooooooooh no you really hurt me(壹切都事與願違,妳真的傷到我了)

Cause you really hurt me(因為妳真的傷到我了)

Ooooooooh no you really hurt me....(壹切都事與願違,因為妳真的傷到我了)