古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - 《Trouble is a friend》和《The magic key》兩首歌的歌詞

《Trouble is a friend》和《The magic key》兩首歌的歌詞

Trouble is a friendTrouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh. 無論妳躲到哪,麻煩都會找上妳,哦哦No Matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow, oh oh.無論妳是快還是慢,哦哦The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh.在拂曉痛哭,就像暴雨來襲,哦哦Your fine for a while but then start to lose control.妳暫時安好,但也即將失控He's there in the dark,他就在黑暗中He's there in my heart,他就在我心裏He waits in the winds 他在幕後等待He's gotta play a part.他準備發威Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻煩是個朋友.Trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! 麻煩是我的壹個朋友,哦哦Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh.麻煩是朋友,可也是魔鬼,哦哦And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh.不管我怎麽對待他,他似乎都在成長,哦哦He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh.他看我所看,知我所知.哦哦So don't forget as you ease on down the road.因此即便將來安寧也別忘了他He's there in the dark,他就在黑暗中he's there in my heart,他就在我心裏He waits in the winds 他在幕後等待He's gotta play a part.他準備發威Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻煩是個朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine.oh oh! 麻煩是我的壹個朋友,哦哦So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住妳的手臂了也別驚慌I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm .我搖下車窗,我臣服於他Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻煩是個朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 麻煩是我的壹個朋友,哦哦Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel. 哦,我痛恨他給我的感受And how I try to make him leave; I try. 我該如何趕他離開,我盡力Oh Oh I try! 哦哦,我盡力But he's there in the dark, 他就在黑暗中He's there in my heart, 他就在我心裏He waits in the winds 他在幕後等待He's gotta play a part.他準備發威Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻煩是個朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! 麻煩是我的壹個朋友,哦哦So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住妳的手臂了也別驚慌I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm .我搖下車窗,我臣服於他Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻煩是個朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 麻煩是我的壹個朋友,哦哦Oh 哦 聽我說 Listen up! 為生活我試著不斷改變 To my days change my ways 這生命的終點突如其來 This sudden end to my days 我真想早就改變了自己 Makes me wish I'd changed my ways 多點時間和夥伴們打鬧 Spent more time with the posse 凡雨,憨豆,輝哥還有我 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me ****(註:"One-t,nine-t,bull-t"泛指'我'的夥伴們,沒有實義,所以用喬魚幾個哥們名字代替了)**** 俯瞰人生生命多麽渺小 From up here, life seems so small 生命的意義到底是什麽 what's the meaning of it all? 懷念生命它慣有的樣子 Miss the way it used to be 凡雨,憨豆,輝哥還有我 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me 這個世界我能立足何地 Where in the world could I be? 家人看來真酷,我是酷t Homies looking so cool, cool, I'm cool-t! 那用白雪做成的燕尾服 Tuxedos made of snow 它身上有什麽我該知道 Is there something I should know? 我的媽媽爸爸還有小弟 Mom and Pop and little bro 他們全都死去很久遠了 Dead and gone so long ago 是否終於這裏就是天堂 Could this be paradise at last? 我闖過我人生的第壹關 The first test I've ever passed 人生跌宕起伏就像音樂 Music's the odyssey 它縈繞這裏為妳也為我 It's here for you, for me 聽吧尋覓那奇妙的調子 Just listen find the magic key 人生跌宕起伏就像音樂 Music's the odyssey 為妳也為我而縈繞這裏 It's here for you, for me 聆聽吧讓生活自由自在 Just listen let your life be free 這幸福時光妳想做什麽 Blissful days, what you gonna do? 我啊還是懷念老夥記們 Still I miss my old t-crew 就是死也不能沒有他們 Can't afterlive without them 我多麽希望他們能知曉 I just wish they only knew! 或許他們曾經無家可歸 May they have lived without a home 但我家人都愛我溫暖我 But my homies love me kept me warm 教我忘卻那些生存遊戲 Taught me to forget about the game 金錢仇恨饑餓還有痛苦 Money, hatred, hunger, pain 這生命的終點突如其來 This sudden end to my days 我真想早就改變了自己 Makes me wish I'd changed my ways 多點時間和夥伴們打鬧 Spent more time with the posse 凡雨,憨豆,輝哥還有我 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me 人生跌宕起伏就像音樂 Music's the odyssey 它縈繞這裏為妳也為我 It's here for you, for me 聽吧尋覓那奇妙的調子 Just listen find the magic key (yours truly) 人生跌宕起伏就像音樂 Music's the odyssey (yeah) 它為妳為我而縈繞這裏 It's here for you, for me (magic key) 聆聽吧讓生活自由自在 Just listen let your life be free 真想念妳們呀! 真想念妳們! Missing you, missing you 真想念妳們,我奇妙的夥伴們 Missing you, magic crew 真想念妳們呀! 真想念妳們! Missing you, missing you 真想念妳們,我奇妙的夥伴們 Missing you, magic crew 我遇見我人生的營造者 Had a meeting with my maker 制造高級人類的面包師 The superhuman baker 烤著我在那叫人生的爐 He popped me in the oven 然後他將那標度調到愛 And set the dial to loving 現在我看管我的孩子們 Now I watch over my boys 幫助他們壹起玩鬧叫囂 Help'em keep on making noise 沒想到我已是天使模樣 Never pictured me with wings 上面的故事似乎已陌生 Guess I've heard of stranger things
