古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - 假設妳是李華,妳是美國網友tom今年暑假想來山東旅遊,描述山東三大名勝英語作文


大明湖:位於濟南市區偏北,面積幾乎占了舊城的四分之壹,其中水面積46.5公頃,內有壹閣(北極閣)、二園(遐園、秋柳園)、四祠(稼軒祠、鐵公祠、南豐祠、匯泉祠)、十亭(玉涵亭、鴛鴦亭、小滄浪亭、八角亭、九曲亭、望湖亭、浩然亭、湖心亭、歷下亭和月下亭)。 趵突泉:是濟南72名泉的第壹泉,泉池呈方形,約有壹畝左右,泉的四周圍有石欄,池內有三股噴湧,壹字排開,湧泉躍出水面約30厘米高;在泉畔有觀瀾亭、來鶴橋和濼源堂等古建築。 千佛山古稱歷山,亦名舜耕山。相傳上古虞舜帝為民時,曾躬耕於歷山之下,因稱舜耕山。據史載:隋朝年間,山東佛教盛行,虔誠的教徒依山沿壁鐫刻了為數較多的石佛,建千佛寺而得名千佛山。 沿盤道西路登山,途中有壹唐槐亭,亭旁古槐壹株,相傳唐朝名將秦瓊曾拴馬於此。半山腰有壹彩繪牌坊,即“齊煙九點”坊。登上壹覽亭,憑欄北望,近看大明湖如鏡,遠看黃河如帶,全城景色壹覽無餘。

Daming lake: located in jinan city, area north of old accounted for almost a quarter, including water area, there is a cabinet 46.5 hectares (arctic ge), two garden (distant garden, autumn LiuYuan), four ancestral shrine, iron male (jiaxun recoverying the shrine, shrine, huiquan temple), 10 pavilion (yu han pavilion, yuanyang pavilion, small surging wave pavilion, serpentine pavilion, BaJiaoTing, kiosks, the WangHuTing, integrity, and next month pavilion eave inscribed by). MingQuan baotu spring - : is the first organizers jinan 72, shows square, pools about a acres around the ring, springs in boulder fence, pool there three strands, survivors, yongquan spewing out in the water about 30 centimeters tall; Situated in the spring kiosks, to have used guanlan LuoYuan crane bridge and hall of ancient buildings. 280m above sea level, and the name armorica calendar mountain plow mountain,. When ShunDi ancient people passed, was censured GongGeng in calendar, because says shun mountain no-till under mountain. According to history carries: sui years, shandong predominantly buddhist, religious ShanYan wall engraved in accordance with a more vivid, built thousands of buddhist temple ofits 280m above sea level. Along the way, PanDao mountain road, beside a traditional alleyways TangHuaiTing, pavilions, said to a plant in tang dynasty QinQiongCeng tied after the horse. Half have a coloured drawing or pattern, namely "qi smoke erzhong nine" fang. Boarded the list at the pavilion, pinglan north nearly see daming lake as a mirror, HuangHeRu far see panoramic views of the city with, without rest.