其次:blow out 和blow off的區別:(主要在意思上不壹樣)
blow out 有這麽幾個意思
(a) (of a flame, etc) be extinguished by the wind, etc
(指火焰等)被風等熄滅: Somebody opened the door and the candle blew
out. 有人打開了門, 蠟燭隨之被吹滅了.
(b) (of an oil or gas well) send out
oil or gas suddenly in an uncontrolled manner (指油井或氣井)井噴. blow itself out
(of a storm, etc) lose its force; dwindle to nothing (指風暴等)減弱, 停止. blow
sth out extinguish (a flame, etc) by blowing 吹滅(火焰等).
blow up主要有以下幾個意思:
(a) explode; be destroyed by an explosion 爆炸; 被炸壞:
policeman was killed when his booby-trapped car blew up.
(b) start suddenly and with force 突然開始且來勢兇猛:
A storm is blowing up. 風暴來臨. * (fig 比喻) A political crisis has blown
up over the President's latest speech. 總統最近的演說觸發了政治危機.
(infml 口) lose one's temper 發脾氣; 勃然大怒: I'm sorry I blew up at you. 很抱歉, 對妳發火了. blow sb up
(infml 口) reprimand sb severely 訓斥某人:
She got blown up by her boss for being late.