古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - 《約翰克裏斯多夫》中英經典語錄




2. ?部分?在?三?歲上就死去了,因為過了這個年齡,他們只是?的影?,此後的余?則是在模仿?中度過,?復?,更機械,更裝腔作勢地重復他們在有?之年的所作所為,所思所想,所愛所恨。



5. 當妳知道世界上受苦的不是只有妳,妳會減少痛苦,也會在絕望中燃起希望。



8. ?個蓬勃的時候決不問為什麽?活,只是為?活?活—— 為了?活是樁美妙的事?活。

9. ?的鐘擺永遠在兩極中搖晃,幸福也是其中的?極:要使鐘擺停?在它?極上,只能把鐘擺折斷。

10. 失敗可以鍛煉?般優秀的?物:它挑出?批?靈,把純潔的和強壯的放在?邊,使它們變得更純潔更強壯; 但它把其余的?靈加速它們的墮落,或是斬斷它們飛躍的?量。

11. 嘩眾取寵本是年輕?的天性。特別是在他們?輕重,換句話說,?所事事的時候。

12. 有時別?句漫不經?的話,可以改變?個?的?。

13. 閱讀不是為了雄辯和盲從,?是為了思考和權衡。當我們處在迷茫與困境時,靜下?來閱讀,妳會發現書中的這些話,從妳看的第?眼開始就會被它征服。

14. 很多?在?三?歲的時候就死去了。因為?旦過了那個年齡,他們只是?的影?,余?都會在模仿?中度過。

15. ?個?若想播撒陽光,先得內?擁有陽光!

16. ?個?出?以後,在幼年的時候他被各種謊?所填滿。當他覺醒的時候,當他成長起來的時候,他所做的第?件事就是嘔吐,把這些謊?都嘔吐出來,重新開始。


18. 世界上最痛苦的事,莫過於在不幸的時候回憶起幸福的?; 對於柔軟的?靈來說,最不幸的莫過於體驗到?次幸福的滋味!

19. 隨他們對我如何說,如何寫,如何想。他們都不能使我不成其我。


21. ?個懂了愛情的?,看不見愛?的真?。

22. 倘若活著不是為了糾正我們的錯誤,克服我們的偏見,擴?我們的思想和?胸,那麽活著有什麽?

23. ?靈的致命的仇敵,乃是時間的磨蝕。

24. ?是?場賭博,唯有聰明?才能贏;所以第?要看清敵?的牌?不能泄露?的牌。

25. ?是不可能回到過去的,只能繼續的路;向後看是沒有?的,只能看到妳經過的地?,看到妳住過的房屋升起了炊煙,消失在遙遠的天邊,消失在煙霧繚繞的回憶中。

26. 幕年禮贊?,黃昏禮贊?晝。

27. ?是不能為所欲為的,誌向和?活是兩件事情,應該?尋安慰,主要是勿灰?,繼續抱著妳的誌向,繼續?活下去,其余的便不由我們做主了。

28. 原來?個?長?之後,對什麽都不以為奇了,那時他神通?,?所不知,?所不曉。於是他也裝作?,把他的好奇?藏起來,做出漠不關?的神?。

29. 創造,不論是?體?的或精神?的,總是脫離軀殼的樊籠,卷?命的旋風,與神明同壽。創造是消滅死。

30. 這些?命初期的?在他腦中蜂擁浮動,宛似?微風吹掠,雲影掩映的麥?。陰影消散,朝陽上升。


1. The real light is by no means the time when there is never darkness, but it is never obscured by darkness. A true hero is by no means never without humble sentiments, but never succumbed to humble sentiments.

2. Most people die at the age of 23, because after this age, they are only shadows of themselves, and the rest of their lives are spent imitating themselves, day after day, more mechanically. , more pretentiously repeating what they did, what they thought, what they loved and hated during their lifetimes.

3. No one is completely happy. The so-called happiness lies in recognizing one's limits and being content with them.

4. Happiness is a flavor of the soul and the harmony of a singing heart.

5. When you know that you are not the only one suffering in the world, you will reduce the pain and ignite hope in despair.

6. Any effort will never fail, and there may be no news for many years; but suddenly one day you will find that your thinking has had an impact

7. Love every day, respect every day, don't waste a day, don't hinder the flowering and fruiting. Love a day as gloomy as today.

8. When one is full of life, one never asks why to live, just lives for the sake of living—living so that life is a wonderful thing.

9. The pendulum of life is always swinging between two poles, and happiness is also one of the poles: to stop the pendulum on its pole, you can only break the pendulum.

10. Failure can train a generally good character: it singles out a group of souls, sets aside the pure and the strong, and makes them purer and stronger; but it accelerates the rest of them Fall, or sever the power of their leaps.

11. Grandstanding is the nature of young people. Especially when they have no importance, in other words, nothing to do.

12. Sometimes someone's casual words can change a person's life.

13. Read not for eloquence and obedience, but for thinking and weighing. When we are in confusion and predicament, stop and read, you will find these words in the book, and you will be conquered by it from the first sight.

14. Many people die in their twenties. Because once they pass that age, they are just shadows of themselves, and they will spend the rest of their lives imitating themselves.

15. If a person wants to spread sunshine, he must first have sunshine inside!

16. After a person is born, he is filled with all kinds of lies in his childhood. When he wakes up, when he grows up, the first thing he does is throw up, throw up all these lies and start over.

17. You see the shadows and reflections of the sun, but not the real sun.

18. The most painful thing in the world is to recall a happy day when you are unfortunate; for a soft soul, the most unfortunate thing is to experience the taste of happiness!

19. Whatever they say to me, how they write, how they think. None of them can make me not who I am.

20. In the face of survival, morality may be weakened; in the face of poverty, dignity may be weakened.

21. A person who understands love cannot see the true face of his lover.

22. What is the use of living if it is not to correct our mistakes, overcome our prejudices, and enlarge our minds and hearts?

23. The mortal enemy of the soul is the abrasion of time.

24. Life is a gamble, and only smart people can win; so the first thing to do is to see the enemy's cards and not reveal your own.

25. It is impossible for people to go back to the past, they can only continue on their own way; it is useless to look back, only to see where you have passed, and see the smoke rising from the house you lived in, Disappeared in the distant horizon, in the smoky memories.

26. The curtain year praises life, and the evening praises the day.

27. People can’t do whatever they want. Ambition and life are two different things. You should seek comfort from yourself. The main thing is not to be discouraged. Keep holding on to your aspirations and continue to live. The rest is up to us.

28. It turns out that when a person grows up, he is no longer surprised by anything. At that time, he was so powerful that he knew everything and knew nothing. So he also pretended to be an adult, hiding his curiosity and acting as an indifferent deity.

29. Creation, whether physical or spiritual, is always out of the cage of the body, involved in the whirlwind of life, and lives with the gods. To create is to destroy death.

30. These early days of life swarmed and floated in his mind, like a piece of wheat blown by the breeze and shadowed by clouds. The shadows dissipated and the sun rose.