When using the term in English, "barista" refers to one who has acquired some level of expertise in the preparation of espresso-based coffee drinks. Within certain circles, its meaning is expanding to include what might be called a coffee sommelier; a professional who is highly skilled in coffee preparation, with a prehensive understanding of coffee, coffee blends, espresso, quality, coffee varieties, roast degree, espresso equipment, maintenance, latte art, e Klaus Thomsen of Denmark is the current World Barista Champion for his award winning blend of coffee and milk known as the "bianconero".
Barista更早以前的稱呼比較直接——濃縮咖啡拉把員(espresso puller)。這名詞的轉變,或多或少是因為1980年以後生產的義式咖啡機大多不再有拉把。
目前而言Barista可以從站在吧臺裏的生手概括到累積多年經驗的咖啡侍者(coffee sommelier)。
星巴克采用Barista來稱呼員工(臺灣星巴克內部使用夥伴),以及西雅圖極品咖啡的英文名Barista,使得這個字廣為流傳。,參考: wiki,咖啡師
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Barista更早以前的稱呼比較直接——濃縮咖啡拉把員(espresso puller)。這名詞的轉變,或多或少是因為1980年以後生產的義式咖啡機大多不再有拉把。
目前而言Barista可以從站在吧臺裏的生手概括到累積多年經驗的咖啡侍者(coffee sommelier)。
,參考: zh. *** /wiki/Barista,