a new day的意思是什麽
a new day...新的壹天到來了 a new day...新的壹天到來了 i was waiting for so long 我等待了這麽長時間 for a miracle to come 期待奇跡的出現 everyone told me to be strong 每人都告訴我要堅強 hold on and don't shed a tear 堅持住不讓淚水流下來 through the darkness and good times 穿越那些暗淡和美好的時光 i knew i'd make it through 我知道我壹定會安然無恙 and the world thought i had it all 世人以為我擁有了壹切 but i was waiting for you 但是,我正在等待著妳 hush, love 安靜愛 i see a light in the sky 我看見壹道光芒劃過天際 oh, it's almost blinding me 如此耀眼幾乎使我眩暈 i can't believe 我不敢相信 i've been touched by an angel with love 天使已被我的愛感動而賜予我愛情 let the rain come down and wash away my tears 就讓這大雨落下洗清我的淚水 let it fill my soul and drown my fears 讓這雨點貯滿靈魂趕走我的恐懼 let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun 就讓這大雨沖跨心墻等待新的曙光 a new day has... come 新的壹天到來了 where it was dark now there's light 曾經的黑暗以被現在的光明代替 where there was pain now there's joy 曾經的痛苦以被快樂趕走 where there was weakness, i found my strength 自信十足,不再脆弱 all in the eyes of a boy 我看到男孩的純真眼神 hush, love 安靜愛 i see a light in the sky 我看見壹道光芒劃過天際 oh, it's almost blinding me 如此耀眼幾乎使我眩暈 i can't believe 我不敢相信 i've been touched by an angel with love 天使已被我的愛感動而賜予我愛情 let the rain come down and wash away my tears 就讓這大雨落下洗清我的淚水 let it fill my soul and drown my fears 讓這雨點貯滿靈魂趕走我的恐懼 let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun 就讓這大雨沖跨心墻等待新的曙光 a new day has...新的壹天到來了 let the rain come down and wash away my tears 就讓這大雨落下洗清我的淚水 let it fill my soul and drown my fears 讓這雨點貯滿靈魂趕走我的恐懼 let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun 就讓這大雨沖跨心墻等待新的曙光 a new day has... come 新的壹天到來了 ohhh, a light 哦光明 hush, now 安靜愛 i see a light in your eyes 我看見光明在妳的眼中 all in the eyes of the boy 我看到男孩的純真眼神 i can't believe 我不敢相信 i've been touched by an angel with love 天使已被我的愛感動而賜予我愛情 i can't believe 我不敢相信 i've been touched by an angel with love 天使已被我的愛感動而賜予我愛情 hush, now 安靜愛 hush, now 安靜愛