古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - "遛狗"的英文怎麽講,請指教!~



walk the dog

take the dog for a walk

這裏用至於是a,還是the 就要取決於語境了。

如果指特定的狗,毫無疑問得用the表示特指,泛指時用walk a dog;

還可以說walk my dog,walk his dog 等;

Why should your father have to be walking the dog out on a cold night while you take your ease by the fire?


The queue is one of the few places where the English are allowed to talk to each other without having been formally introduced. The others are when taking the dog for a walk.


As you can imagine, I was nothing loath to miss the Sunday morning church parade and readily volunteered to walk the dogs instead.


My neighbour was a good Samaritan when I sprained my ankle. She did all my shopping and took the dog for a walk every day.
