single room - a room with one bed for one person n. 單人房(壹張床)
twin room - a room with two beds for two people n. 雙人房(兩張床)
double room - a room for two persons with a double bed n. 雙人房(壹張床)
triple room - a room for three persons, usually consisting of twin beds (or double bed) plus a roll-away cot n. 三人房
standard room n. 標準間
deluxe room n. 豪華間
luxury suite n. 豪華套房
presidential suite n. 總統套房
ocean front - a room directly facing the ocean n. 面朝海洋的房間
ocean view -a room from which it is possible to secure a view of the ocean (usually located on the side of the hotel) 海景房
wet bar小吧臺 n. (旅館房間裏有自來水和水槽的小吧臺)
book/ reserve a room v. 訂房
booth n. 餐廳中的包廂或火車座
bowling alley n. 保齡球場
check in v. 入住
check out v. 結賬、退房
close-circuit television n. 閉路電視
deposit n. 預定金
discotheque n. 迪斯科舞廳
front desk; reception desk n. 前臺
gym n. 健身房
hotel registration form n. 旅館登記表
karaoke n. 卡拉OK
lobby n. 大堂
make a reservation 預訂
pool table n. 臺球桌
stay at v. 在……下榻
2. air transportation n. 空運, 坐飛機旅行
connecting flight n. 轉接班機
direct flight n. 直航 ( 不換飛機,但中途可能有停)
electronic ticket n.電子機票
non-stop flight n.直達航班
baggage allowance n.免費行李配額
coach class n.經濟艙
commercial carriers n.客運飛機,列車等
first class n. 頭等艙
air mile n.空英裏,空中飛行的長度單位,相當於壹國際海裏(6,076.115英尺)
travel insurance n.旅行保險
PAI (personal accident insurance) n.人身意外傷害險
force majeure n. 不可抗力 (如風暴,戰爭等)
3. car rental n. 租車
van n. 廂式車; 商旅車
compact adj. / n. 小型轎車
mid-sized adj.中型汽車
full-sized adj.大型轎車(六人坐)
sedan 四門轎車
convertible 敞蓬車
drop-off charge n. 甲地租車,乙地還車所收取的費用
Value Added Tax (VAT) n. 增值稅 (歐洲國家對貨品和服務所課征的營業稅, 壹般可退還給遊客)
4. hotel n. 旅館
apartment hotel n. 酒店式公寓
B & B - Bed & Breakfast 鄉村小旅店(只包早餐與住宿)
[詳析]usually a quaint, country-style accommodation with a small number of rooms, that includes breakfast each morning
hostel n. 小旅館,招待所(通常較便宜)
inn n. 客棧,小旅店
lodge n. 山林小屋, (遊覽區的、靠山臨水的)旅館
motel n. 汽車旅館
mountain villa n. 莊別墅
posada n.[西] 鄉間小旅館, 客棧
resort n. 度假勝地, 度假勝地賓館
5. major credit cards n.主要信用卡
visa n. 威薩
Mastercard n.萬事通
American Express n.美國運通
6. meals 用餐
Continental breakfast n. 歐陸式早餐
[詳析] usually consists of bread, rolls, butter, jam and tea or coffee.
English breakfast n. 英式早餐
[詳析] basic meal of cereal, juice, eggs, meats, and other beverages. Common with most hotels in the UK/Great Britain
AP (American Plan) n. 美式配套 (住房+美式早餐+午餐+晚餐)
CP (Continental Plan) n. 大陸式配套 (住房 + 歐陸式早餐)
EP (European Plan) n. 歐式配套 (只供住房,沒有附帶任何餐點)
MAP (Modified American Plan) n. 簡易美式配套(住房+美式早餐+晚餐)
Full Board (Full Pension) n. 全套(住房+大陸式早餐+午餐+晚餐)
Half Board (Demi-Pension) n. 半套 (住房+大陸式早餐,午餐或晚餐選壹)
A la Carte n. 照單點菜
8. services (旅遊)配套服務
bellman / bellhop n. 旅館服務員 (如搬運行李和當差)
concierge / valet n. 旅館看門人、為客人搬行李、停車等的服務人員
driver-guide n. 司機兼導遊
dry cleaning n. 幹洗
laundry service n. 酒店洗衣服務
local guide n. 當地導遊
porterage n. 行李服務
tour escort/director/manager n. 領隊(受旅行社委派,全權代表該旅行社帶領旅遊團從事旅遊活動的工作人員)
transfers n. 接送服務
9. travel documents n. 旅遊所攜文件
passport n. 護照
visa n. 簽證
vouchers n. 代金券
[詳析]Documents issued by tour operators to be exchanged for accommodations, sightseeing and other services.
10. types of beds n. (旅館裏)床的類型
double n. 雙人床
single / queen / king n. 單人床 / 大號床/ 加闊床或特大號床
twin beds n. 對床 (相當於two singles)
waterbed n. 水床
long boy beds n.加長床
rollaway n.滾動式折疊床
hide-a-bed n.暗床