古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - 金融類App上架iOS的經驗分享





金融類app上架app store需要以下資質:









Regarding of PLA 1.2, the app offers financial services for XXX, etc but the Seller name and Artist name does not reflect the brands. To comply with PLA 1.2, the artist name and seller name of the app must reflect the service provider brand. Alternatively, please remove the feature from the app.

關於PLA 1.2, app為XXX等提供金融服務,但賣家名稱和藝人名稱不代表品牌。為了符合PLA 1.2,應用程序的藝術家名稱和銷售者名稱必須反映服務提供商的品牌。或者,請從應用程序中刪除該功能。

1.2 解決方式

① 用公司名義註冊賬戶,重新提交包。




1.3 點 評


2.1 遇到的問題:5.2.1

5. 2.1 Legal: Intellectual Property - General

Guideline 5.2.1 - Legal - Intellectual Property

The seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the name of a financial institution/loan service provider in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 5.2.1 of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

Your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the financial institute/loan service provider name. If you have developed this app on behalf of a client, please advise your client to add you to the development team of their Apple Developer account.

Once created, you cannot change your seller name or company name in iTunes Connect. For assistance with changing your company name or seller name, you will need to contact iTunes Connect through the Contact Us page. Select Getting Started from the first dropdown menu, then select General iTunes Connect Inquiry to contact the appropriate iTunes Connect team.


5. 2.1法律:知識產權-壹般

指引5.2.1 -法律-知識產權



您的應用程序必須以反映金融機構/貸款服務提供商名稱的賣方名稱和公司名稱發布。如果您代表客戶開發了此應用程序,請建議您的客戶將您添加到他們的Apple Developer帳戶的開發團隊中。

壹旦創建,妳就不能在iTunes Connect中更改妳的賣家或公司名稱。如需更改公司名稱或銷售商名稱的幫助,請通過“聯系我們”頁面與iTunes Connect聯系。從第壹個下拉菜單中選擇Getting Started,然後選擇General iTunes Connect Inquiry與適當的iTunes Connect團隊聯系。

2.2 解決方式


2.3 點 評


3.1 遇到的問題:3.2.1


We found that your app facilitates loan applications, but the seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the financial institution in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 3.2.1(viii) of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide the following information. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

1. Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Business License that verifies the authorization from the Internet Loan Information Agency (營業執照,營業範圍證明其是網絡借貸信息中介機構).

2. Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Finance Permit issued from the local finance governing authority (金融許可證).

3. A copy of the Value Added Telecom Business Operation Permit issued by the local Ministry of Information Industry and Technology (從當地工信部獲得的增值電信業務經營許可證).

4. Your app’s and service’s Terms & Conditions.

5. In the case of dispute, what resolution mechanism does your app and service offer?

6. What is your responsibility in such case? Is such responsibility stated clearly in the Terms & Conditions?

7. How will the involved parties trace one another?

8. License numbers for the Business License, Finance Permit, and Value Added Telecom Permit in the Review Notes section.

Additionally, please ensure your app’s Support and Privacy URLs in the metadata direct users to the webpages with appropriate information.

Please attach documentary evidence in the App Review Information section in iTunes Connect. In accordance with section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, you acknowledge that submitting falsified or fraudulent documentation can result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account and the removal of your apps from the App Store. Once Legal has reviewed your documentation and confirms its validity, we will proceed with the review of your app.


我們發現您的應用程序為貸款申請提供了便利,但是與您的應用程序相關聯的賣家和公司名稱並沒有在應用程序或其元數據中反映金融機構,這是app Store Review Guidelines 3.2.1(viii)所要求的。



1. 副本和直接聯系的政府網站上妳的營業執照驗證授權從網上貸款信息機構(營業執照,營業範圍證明其是網絡借貸信息中介機構)。

2. 壹個副本和直接聯系的政府網站從地方財政金融許可證管理權威(金融許可證)。


4. 您的應用程序和服務的條款和條件。

5. 如果發生糾紛,您的app和服務提供什麽解決機制?

6. 在這種情況下,妳的責任是什麽?該等責任是否已在條款及細則內清楚列明?

7. 有關各方將如何相互追蹤?

8. 業務許可證、財務許可證和增值電信許可證的許可證號碼在審查說明部分。


請在iTunes Connect的App Review Information部分附上證明文件。根據Apple Developer Program License Agreement第3.2(f)條,如果您提交偽造或欺詐性文檔可能導致您的Apple Developer Program帳戶終止,並將您的應用程序從App Store中刪除。壹旦Legal審核了您的文檔並確認其有效性,我們將繼續審核您的應用程序。

3.2 解決方式




3.3 點 評


4.1 遇到的問題:3.2.1

Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable

We found that your app facilitates loan applications, but the seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the financial institution in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 3.2.1(viii) of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide the following information. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

- Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Business License (營業執照)

- A copy of the Rectification Notification issued by the relevant governing authority to your company (當地金融辦 (局) 下發給貴公司的「整改通知書」附件)

- A copy of the proof that your company is connected to a bank’s depository system (銀行存管證明)

- Your app’s and service’s Terms & Conditions.

- In the case of dispute, what resolution mechanism does your app and service offer?

- What is your responsibility in such case? Is such responsibility stated clearly in the Terms & Conditions?

- How will the involved parties trace one another?

Additionally, please ensure your app’s Support and Privacy URLs in the metadata direct users to the webpages with appropriate information.

Please attach documentary evidence in the App Review Information section in App Store Connect. In accordance with section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, you acknowledge that submitting falsified or fraudulent documentation can result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account and the removal of your apps from the App Store. Once Legal has reviewed your documentation and confirms its validity, we will proceed with the review of your app.

準則3.2.1 -業務-其他業務模型問題-可接受

我們發現您的應用程序為貸款申請提供了便利,但是與您的應用程序相關聯的賣家和公司名稱並沒有在應用程序或其元數據中反映金融機構,這是app Store Review Guidelines 3.2.1(viii)所要求的。











請在App Store Connect的App Review Information部分附上證明文件。根據Apple Developer Program License Agreement第3.2(f)條,如果發現您提交偽造或欺詐性文檔可能導致您的Apple Developer Program帳戶終止,並將您的應用程序從App Store中刪除。壹旦Legal審核了您的文檔並確認其有效性,我們將繼續審核您的應用程序。

4.2 解決方式



4.3 點 評




對策:金融貸款類的App提交蘋果審核時,如果沒有相應資質,基本都會因5.2.1被拒。如果有資質的話,可以準備以下資質:icp備案 金融許可證或小貸金融批復、經營範圍含放貸的營業執照等;如果沒資質想要原生界面上架基本不現實,只能套壹個新的界面上架(也就是大家說的殼,資訊類型:資訊類的殼需要做復雜點,簡單的兩個展示界面很有可能因為功能太簡單被拒,可以適當加點特效。工具類型:工具類的App過審的概率會比較大,但是做起來比第壹種稍微復雜,耗時。),這種界面是不需要相關資質,可參考的解決方式如下:a.第壹種是有後臺控制殼什麽時候出現。移動端傳壹個版本號給後臺,後臺根據版本號判斷App否在審核,在審核就顯示殼,審核通過後就顯示原生界面。b. 直接由移動端來切換界面。此時App需要登錄才能看到主界面,對給蘋果審核人員的測試賬號做壹個判斷,如果是測試賬號,就顯示殼,非測試賬號顯示原生界面。





