Interim Measures on Information Disclosure of Commercial Banks
Order No.6 of the People's Bank of China
May 15, 2002
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 These rules are formulated on the basis of "Law on the People's bank of China of the People's Republic of China" and "Commercial Banking Law of the People's Bank of China", which aim to strengthen market discipline of commercial banks, standardize information disclosure of commercial banks, effectively safeguard legitimate interests of depositors and other stakeholders and promote safe, sound and efficient operation of commercial banks.
Article 2 These rules are to be applied to commercial banks that are established legally within the territory of the People's Republic of China, including domestic commercial banks, wholly foreign funded banks, joint venture banks and branches of foreign banks.
Article 3 Commercial banks should disclose information according to these rules, which are the minimum requirements for commercial banks' information disclosure. While abiding by these rules, commercial banks can disclose more information than what has been required by these rules at their own discretion.
In addition to these rules, listed commercial banks should also conform to relevant information disclosure rules published by regulatory body of the securities industry.
Article 4 Information disclosure of commercial banks should be proceeded consistent with laws and regulations, the uniform domestic accounting rules and relevant rules of the PBC.
Article 5 Commercial banks should disclose information in a standardized fashion, while ensuring authenticity, accuracy, integrity and comparability.
Article 6 Annual financial statements disclosed by commercial banks should be subject to auditing by accounting firms that are certified to be engaged in finance-related auditing.
Article 7 The People's Bank of China is to supervise commercial banks' information disclosure according to relevant laws and regulations.
Chapter II Information to be Disclosed
Article 8 Commercial banks should disclose financial statements, and information on risk management, corporate governance and big events of the year according to these rules.
Article 9 Commercial banks' financial statements should include accounting report, annex and notes to this report and description of financial position.
Article 10 Accounting report disclosed by commercial banks should include balance sheet, statement of income (profit and loss account), statement of owner's equity and other additional charts.
Article 11 Commercial banks should indicate inconsistence between the basis of preparation and the basic preconditions of accounting in their notes to the accounting report.
Article 12 Commercial banks should explain in their notes to the accounting report the important policy of accounting and accounting estimates, including: Accounting standards, accounting year, reporting currency, accounting basis and valuation principles; Type and scope of loans; Accounting rules for investment; Scope and method of provisions against asset losses; Principle and method of income recognition; Valuation method for financial derivatives; Conversion method for foreign currency business and accounting report; Preparation method for consolidated accounting report; Valuation and depreciation method for fixed assets; Valuation method and amortization policy for intangible assets; Amortization policy for long-term deferred expenses; Accounting practice for income tax.
Article 13 Commercial banks should indicate in their notes to the accounting report crucial changes of accounting policy and estimates, contingent items and post-balance sheet items, transfer and sale of important assets.
Article 14 Commercial banks should indicate in their annex and notes to the accounting report the total volume of related party transactions and major related party transactions. Major related party transactions refer to those with trading volume exceeding 30 million yuan or 1% of total net assets of the commercial bank.
Article 15 Commercial banks should indicate in their notes to the accounting report detailed breakdown of key categories in the accounting report, including:
(1) Due from banks by the breakdown of domestic and overseas markets.
(2) Interbank lending by the breakdown of domestic and overseas markets.
(3) Outstanding balance of loans at the beginning and the end of the accounting year by the breakdown of credibility loans, committed loans, collateralized loans and pledged loans.
(4) Non-performing loans at the beginning and end of the accounting year resulted from the risk-based loan classification.
(5) Provisions for loan losses at the beginning and the end of the accounting year, new provisions, returned provisions and write-offs in the accounting year. General provisions, specific provisions and special provisions should be disclosed separately.
(6) Outstanding balance and changes of interest receivables.
(7) Investment at the beginning and the end of the accounting year by instruments.
(8) Interbank borrowing in domestic and overseas markets.
(9) Calculation, outstanding balance and changes of interest payables.
(10) Year-end outstanding balance and other details of off-balance sheet categories, including bank acceptance bills, external guarantees, letters of guarantee for financing purposes, letters of guarantee for non-financing purposes, loan commitments, letters of credit (spot), letters of credit (forward), financial futures, financial options, etc.
(11) Other key categories.
Article 16 Commercial banks should disclose in their notes to the accounting report status of capital adequacy, including total value of risk assets, amount and structure of net capital, core capital adequacy ratio and capital adequacy ratio.
Article 17 Commercial banks should disclose auditing report provided by the appointed accounting firms.
Article 18 Description of financial position should cover the general performance of the bank, generation and distribution of profit and other events that have substantial impact on financial position and performance of the bank.
Article 19 Commercial banks should disclose following risks and risk management details:
(1) Credit risk. Commercial banks should disclose status of credit risk management, credit exposure, credit quality and earnings, including business operations that generate credit risks, policy of credit risk management and control, organizational structure and division of labor in credit risk management, procedure and methods of classification of asset risks, distribution and concentration of credit risks, maturity analysis of over-due loans, restructuring of loans and return of assets.
(2) Liquidity risk. Commercial banks should disclose relevant parameters that can represent their status of liquidity, analyze factors affecting liquidity and indicate their strategy of liquidity management.
(3) Market risk. Commercial banks should disclose risks brought by changes of interest rates and exchange rate on the market, analyzing impacts of such changes on profitability and financial positions of the bank and indicating their strategy of market risk management.
(4) Operation risk. Commercial banks should disclose risks brought by flaws and mistakes of internal procedures, staff and system or by external shocks and indicate the integrity, rationality and effectiveness of their internal control mechanism.
(5) Other risks. Other risks that may bring severe negative impact to the bank.
Article 20 Commercial banks should disclose following information on corporate governance:
(1) Shareholders' meeting during the year.
(2) Members of the board of directors and its work performance.
(3) Members of the board of supervisors and its work performance.
(4) Members of the senior management and their profiles.
(5) Layout of branches and function departments.
Article 21 Chronicle of events disclosed by commercial banks in the year should at least include the following contents:
(1) Names of the ten biggest shareholders and changes during the year.
(2) Increase or decrease of registered capital, splitting up and merger.
(3) Other important information that is necessary for the general public to know.
Article 22 Information of foreign bank branches is to be collected and disclosed by the primary reporting branch.
Foreign bank branches don't need to disclose information that is only mandated and required for disclosure by institutions with legal person status.
Foreign bank branches should translate into Chinese and disclose the summary of information disclosed by their head offices.
Article 23 Commercial banks need not disclose information of unimportant categories. However, if the omission or misreporting of certain categories or information may change or affect the assessment or judge of the information users, commercial banks should regarded the categories as key information categories and disclose them.
Chapter III Management of Information Disclosure
Article 24 Commercial banks should prepare in Chinese their annual reports with all the information to be disclosed and publish them within 4 month after the end of each accounting year. If they are not able to disclose such information on time due to special factors, they should apply to the People's Bank of China for delay of disclosure at least 15 days in advance.
Article 25 Commercial banks should submit their annual reports to the People's Bank of China prior to disclosure.
Article 26 Commercial banks should make sure that their shareholders and stakeholders could obtain the annual reports on a timely basis.
Commercial banks should put their annual reports in their major operation venue, so as to ensure such reports are readily available for the general public to read and check. The PBC encourage commercial banks to disclose main contents of their annual reports to the public through media.
Article 27 Boards of directors in commercial banks are responsible for the information disclosure. If there is no board of directors in the bank, the president (head) of the bank should assume such a responsibility.
Boards of directors and presidents (heads) of commercial banks should ensure the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the disclosed information and take legal responsibility for their commitments.
Article 28 Commercial banks and their involved staff that provide financial statements with false information or concealing important facts should be punished according to the " Rules on Punishment of Financial Irregularities".
Accounting firms and involved staff that provide false auditing report should be punished according to the "Interim Measures on Finance-related Auditing Business by Accounting Firms".
Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions
Article 29 Commercial banks with total assets below RMB 1 billion or with total deposits below RMB 500 million are exempted from the compulsory information disclosure. However, the People's Bank of China encourages such commercial banks to disclose information according to these rules.
Article 30 The People's Bank of China is responsible for the interpretation of these rules.
Article 31 These rules shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation and are to be applied to all commercial banks except city commercial banks.
City commercial banks should adopt these rules gradually from January 1, 2003 to January 1, 2006.
第壹章 總 則
第壹條 為加強商業銀行的市場約束,規範商業銀行的信息披露行為,有效維護存款人和相關利益人的合法權益,促進商業銀行安全、穩健、高效運行,依據《中華人民***和國中國人民銀行法》、《中華人民***和國商業銀行法》等法律法規,制定本辦法。
第二條 本辦法適用於在中華人民***和國境內依法設立的商業銀行,包括中資商業銀行、外資獨資銀行、中外合資銀行、外國銀行分行。
第三條 商業銀行應按照本辦法規定披露信息。本辦法規定為商業銀行信息披露的最低要求。商業銀行可在遵守本辦法規定基礎上自行決定披露更多信息。
第四條 商業銀行披露信息應當遵守法律法規、國家統壹的會計制度和中國人民銀行的有關規定。
第五條 商業銀行應遵循真實性、準確性、完整性和可比性的原則,規範地披露信息。
第六條 商業銀行披露的年度財務會計報告須經獲準從事金融相關審計業務的會計師事務所審計。
第七條 中國人民銀行根據有關法律法規對商業銀行的信息披露進行監督。
第二章 信息披露的內容
第八條 商業銀行應按照本辦法規定披露財務會計報告、各類風險管理狀況、公司治理、年度重大事項等信息。
第九條 商業銀行財務會計報告由會計報表、會計報表附註和財務情況說明書組成。
第十條 商業銀行披露的會計報表應包括資產負債表、利潤表(損益表)、所有者權益變動表及其他有關附表。
第十壹條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中說明會計報表編制基礎不符合會計核算基本前提的情況。
第十二條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中說明本行的重要會計政策和會計估計,包括:會計報表編制所依據的會計準則、會計年度、記賬本位幣、記賬基礎和計價原則;貸款的種類和範圍;投資核算方法;計提各項資產減值準備的範圍和方法;收入確認原則和方法;衍生金融工具的計價方法;外幣業務和報表折算方法;合並會計報表的編制方法;固定資產計價和折舊方法;無形資產計價及攤銷政策;長期待攤費用的攤銷政策;所得稅的會計處理方法等。
第十三條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中說明重要會計政策和會計估計的變更;或有事項和資產負債表日後事項;重要資產轉讓及其出售。
第十四條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中披露關聯方交易的總量及重大關聯方交易的情況。
第十五條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中說明會計報表中重要項目的明細資料,包括:
(壹) 按存放境內、境外同業披露存放同業款項;
(二) 按拆放境內、境外同業披露拆放同業款項;
(三) 按信用貸款、保證貸款、抵押貸款、質押貸款分別披露貸款的期初數、期末數;
(四) 按貸款風險分類的結果披露不良貸款的期初數、期末數;
(五) 貸款損失準備的期初數、本期計提數、本期轉回數、本期核銷數、期末數;壹般準備、專項準備和特種準備應分別披露;
(六) 應收利息余額及變動情況;
(七) 按種類披露投資的期初數、期末數;
(八) 按境內、境外同業披露同業拆入款項;
(九) 應付利息計提方法、余額及變動情況;
(十) 銀行承兌匯票、對外擔保、融資保函、非融資保函、貸款承諾、開出即期信用證、開出遠期信用證、金融期貨、金融期權等表外項目,包括上述項目的年末余額及其他具體情況;
(十壹) 其他重要項目。
第十六條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中披露資本充足狀況,包括風險資產總額、資本凈額的數量和結構、核心資本充足率、資本充足率。
第十七條 商業銀行應披露會計師事務所出具的審計報告。
第十八條 財務情況說明書應當對本行經營的基本情況、利潤實現和分配情況以及對本行財務狀況、經營成果有重大影響的其他事項進行說明。
第十九條 商業銀行應披露下列各類風險和風險管理情況:
(壹) 信用風險狀況。商業銀行應披露信用風險管理、信用風險暴露、信貸質量和收益的情況,包括產生信用風險的業務活動、信用風險管理和控制政策、信用風險管理的組織結構和職責劃分、資產風險分類的程序和方法、信用風險分布情況、信用風險集中程度、逾期貸款的賬齡分析、貸款重組、資產收益率等情況。
(二) 流動性風險狀況。商業銀行應披露能反映其流動性狀況的有關指標,分析影響流動性的因素,說明本行流動性管理策略。
(三) 市場風險狀況。商業銀行應披露因市場匯率、利率變動而產生的風險,分析匯率、利率的變化對銀行盈利能力和財務狀況的影響,說明本行的市場風險管理策略。
(四) 操作風險狀況。商業銀行應披露由於內部程序、人員、系統的不完善或失誤,或外部事件造成的風險,並對本行內部控制制度的完整性、合理性和有效性作出說明。
(五) 其他風險狀況。其他可能對本行造成嚴重不利影響的風險因素。
第二十條 商業銀行應披露下列公司治理信息:
(壹) 年度內召開股東大會情況;
(二) 董事會的構成及其工作情況;
(三) 監事會的構成及其工作情況;
(四) 高級管理層成員構成及其基本情況;
(五) 銀行部門與分支機構設置情況。
第二十壹條 商業銀行披露的本行年度重要事項,至少應包括下列內容:
(壹) 最大十名股東名稱及報告期內變動情況;
(二) 增加或減少註冊資本、分立合並事項;
(三) 其他有必要讓公眾了解的重要信息。
第二十二條 外國銀行分行的信息由主報告行匯總後披露。
第二十三條 商業銀行無須披露非關鍵性項目。但若遺漏或誤報某個項目或信息會改變或影響信息使用者的評估或判斷時,商業銀行應將該項目視為關鍵性項目予以披露。
第三章 信息披露的管理
第二十四條 商業銀行應將信息披露的內容以中文編制成年度報告,於每個會計年度終了後的四個月內披露。因特殊原因不能按時披露的,應至少提前十五日向中國人民銀行申請延遲。
第二十五條 商業銀行應將年度報告在公布前報送中國人民銀行。
第二十六條 商業銀行應確保股東及相關利益人能及時獲取年度報告。
第二十七條 商業銀行董事會負責本行的信息披露。未設立董事會的,由行長(單位主要負責人)負責。
第二十八條 對在信息披露中提供虛假的或者隱瞞重要事實的財務會計報告的商業銀行及有關責任人員,按照《金融違法行為處罰辦法》予以處理。
第四章 附 則
第二十九條 資產總額低於10億元人民幣或存款余額低於5億元人民幣的商業銀行,可免於披露信息。中國人民銀行鼓勵此類商業銀行按照本辦法規定披露信息。
第三十條 本辦法由中國人民銀行負責解釋。
第三十壹條 本辦法自公布之日起在除城市商業銀行以外的商業銀行範圍內施行。