古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - Mary the nigth 歌詞翻譯

Mary the nigth 歌詞翻譯

I’m gonna marry the night, 我就要披上夜的嫁衣

I won’t give up on my life, 絕不向生命低頭

I’m a warrior queen, 我是個戰鬥女神

Live passionately, tonight. 在夜裏散發熱烈活力

I’m gonna marry the dark, 我將嫁入黑夜

Gonna make love to the stars, 在荒地上纏綿

I’m a soldier to my own emptiness, 為了空洞的人生戰鬥

I’m a winner. 我是最後贏家

I’m gonna marry the night. 就要披上夜的嫁衣

I’m gonna marry the night. 就要披上夜的嫁衣

I’m gonna marry the night. 就要披上夜的嫁衣

I’m gonna marry, the night, 就要披上夜的嫁衣

I’m not gonna cry anymore. 再也不流下壹滴眼淚

I’m gonna marry, the night, 就要披上夜的嫁衣

Leave nothing on this street to explore 對街頭不再留戀

M-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry, 嫁-嫁-嫁-嫁衣 嫁-嫁-嫁-嫁衣

M-m-m-marry the night. 嫁-嫁-嫁-夜的嫁衣

Oh m-m-marry, 嫁-嫁-嫁-嫁衣

m-m-m-marry, 嫁-嫁-嫁-嫁衣

M-m-m-marry the night. 嫁-嫁-嫁-夜的嫁衣

I’m gonna lace up my boots, 我就要系上蕾絲鞋帶

Throw on some leather and cruise, 搭上皮件出發夜巡

Down the street that I love, 在我最愛的街上

And my fishnet gloves, 戴上網狀手套

I’m a sinner. 我是個罪人

Then I’ll go down to the bar 然後來到酒吧

But I won’t cry anymore, 再也不流下壹滴眼淚

I’ll hold my whiskey up high, 高高舉起酒杯

Kiss the bartender twice, 親親我的調酒師

I’m a loser. 宣告我的失敗

I’m gonna marry the night. 就要披上夜的嫁衣

I’m gonna marry the night. 就要披上夜的嫁衣

I’m gonna marry, the night, 就要披上夜的嫁衣

I’m not gonna cry anymore. 就要披上夜的嫁衣

I’m gonna marry, the night, 就要披上夜的嫁衣

Leave nothing on this street to explore 對街頭不再留戀

M-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry, 嫁-嫁-嫁-嫁衣

M-m-m-marry the night. 嫁-嫁-嫁-夜嫁衣

Oh m-m-marry,

m-m-m-marry, 嫁-嫁-嫁-嫁衣

M-m-m-marry the night. 嫁-嫁-嫁-夜嫁衣

Nothing’s too cool, 再沒有什麽事

To take me from you, 能將我從妳身旁奪走

New York is not just,A town that you never knew. 紐約不只是壹件脫不去的外皮

Love is the new, 愛是新的流行

Denim or black, 也是黑色支架槍

Skeleton guns, Our wedding bells in the attic. 閣樓響起的是結婚鐘聲嗎

Get Ginger ready, 請大家準備好

Climb in Camino front. 請大家準備好 爬上王者之道

Won’t poke holes in the seat with my heels, 別用我的高跟鞋在坐墊上戳洞

‘Cause that’s where we make love. 那是我們纏綿的地方

Come on and run, 來吧狂奔

Turn the car on and run. 發動車子壹路狂奔

I’m gonna marry, the night, 我就要披上夜的嫁衣

I’m gonna burn a hole in the rug. 在馬路上轟出壹個大洞

I’m gonna marry, the night, 就要披上夜的嫁衣

Leave nothing on this street to explore 對街頭不再留戀



M-m-m-marry the night.....