古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - 請英語大神幫忙翻譯幾個句子! (1)當我和爸爸在半夜踏上火車時,我非常興奮。 (2)我們要去新疆旅

請英語大神幫忙翻譯幾個句子! (1)當我和爸爸在半夜踏上火車時,我非常興奮。 (2)我們要去新疆旅

(1)當我和爸爸在半夜踏上火車時,我非常興奮。I was quite happy when I and my fater got on the train.

(2)我們要去新疆旅遊,騎駱駝,穿越大沙漠。 We were going to travel in Xinjiang Province where we could ride camels through the desert.

(3)想到這次旅程,我有點恐懼。I was a little scared at the thought of this journey.

(4)爸爸說,他喜歡這獨特的風景,並希望我也喜歡。 My father told me that he loved such unique landscape and hoped that I would also like it.

(5)在爸爸的鼓勵下,我不再緊張,心中期待著這次旅行真正的開始Inspired by my fater's words, I didn't feel nevous anymore, just expecting the actual start of this tour.

使用了定語從句:第1,2句,短語at the thought of, inspired by, 現在分詞狀語 just expecting the actual start of this tour