Speak now的歌詞,中文的也要!
我喜歡 泰勒! 她的好多歌都挺好聽的 最近我在學唱她的 love story 和you belong with me I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion 我不是那種,會在婚禮的時候粗魯的闖進教堂的女孩 But you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但妳也不是那種,必須要和不合適的人結婚的男孩 I sneak in and see your friends and her snotty little family all dressed in pastells 我偷偷的溜進來,看到妳的朋友們以及那個女孩自以為是的家人,都穿著光鮮亮麗的禮服 And she is yelling at a bridesmaid 她正在朝伴娘大聲喊叫: Somewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry “妳還不如快去找個地方去穿那件簡直像餡餅皮的長袍睡衣!” This is surely not what you thought it would be 這肯定不是妳想要的生活 I lose myself in a daydream 我沈浸在我們美好結局的幻想中 Burst in and say 於是我再也不能忍受了,我說 Don't say yes runaway now 不要說那句“我願意”,現在快和我離開這裏吧 I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door 妳逃出教堂時,我會在後門等妳 Don't wait or say a single vow 不要再仿徨或者說出那句並非出自妳真心的誓言 You need to hear me out 妳必須聽我說完,逃走吧 And they said speak now 在他們要妳承諾的那壹刻 Fun gestures are exchanged (賓客們)有趣的手勢在不斷的變化 And the organ starts to play 風琴也開始彈奏新娘進入教堂的音樂 A song that sounds like a death march 然而對我來說那種聲音就像壹首死亡進行曲 And I am hiding in the curtains 我小心翼翼的藏在門簾後面 It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be 這樣使我看起來不像是被妳那可愛的新娘邀請來祝福妳們的人 She floats down the aisle like a pagent queen 她像個盛典中高貴的王後壹樣走過教堂的紅地毯 But I know you wish it was me 但是我心裏明白,妳希望那正朝妳走來的女孩是我 You wish it was me 妳壹定更希望那是我 Don't you 不是嗎? Don't say yes runaway now 不要說那句“我願意”,現在快和我離開這裏吧 I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door 妳逃出教堂時,我會在後門等妳 Don't wait or say a single vow 不要再仿徨或者說出那句並非出自妳真心的誓言 You need to hear me out 妳必須聽我說完,逃走吧 And they said speak now 在他們要妳承諾的那壹刻 Don't say yes runaway now 不要說那句“我願意”,現在快和我離開這裏吧 I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door 妳逃出教堂時,我會在後門等妳 Don't wait or say a single vow 不要再仿徨或者說出那句並非出自妳真心的誓言 You need to hear me out 妳必須聽我說完,逃走吧 And they said speak now 在他們要妳承諾的那壹刻 I hear the preacher say 我聽到牧師說 Speak now or forever hold your peace “如果有誰對他們的結合有異議,那麼現在就說出來,不然就請永恒的祝福他們。” Theres the silence 四周壹片寂靜,都在期待著那個時刻的到來 Theres my last chance 但我知道這是我的最後機會了 I stand up with shaky hands 我站起來,搖晃著手表達我的反對 All eyes on me 所有的目光頓時匯聚到了我的身上 Horrified looks from everyone in the room 教堂裏所有人都震驚的看著我 But I'm only lookin' at you 但是我只是專註的凝視著妳 I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion 我不是那種,會在婚禮的時候粗魯的闖進教堂的女孩 But you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但妳也不是那種,必須要和不合適的人結婚的男孩 Don't say yes runaway now 不要說那句“我願意”,現在快和我離開這裏吧 I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door 妳逃出教堂時,我會在後門等妳 Don't wait or say a single vow 不要再仿徨或者說出那句並非出自妳真心的誓言 You need to hear me out 妳必須聽我說完,逃走吧 And they said speak now 在他們要妳承諾的那壹刻 And you'll say let's run away now 妳終於大膽的對我說出口:讓我們現在就離開這裏吧 I'll meet you when I'm out of my tux at the back door 我會脫下這身禮服,就在後門和妳見面 Baby I didn't say my vows 親愛的,我沒有對別人說出那句誓言 So glad you were around when they said speak now 萬幸 他們讓我承諾前,有妳在我身邊阻止了我