歌名:《Set Fire to the Rain》
I let it fall my heart我的心在下墜
And as it fell you rose to claim it
墜落時 妳伸手接起 撫平我心中的傷痛
It was dark and I was over天昏地暗 我萬念俱灰
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me
直到妳親吻我的雙唇 拯救了我
My hands they're strong我的雙手強勁有力
But my knees were far too weak雙膝卻軟弱無依
To stand in your arms依偎在妳的懷中
Without falling to your feet而不是倒在妳的腳下
But there's a side to you但是妳有壹面
That I never knew never knew我從未知曉 全然不知
All the things you'd say妳說過的話
They were never true never true全是謊言 從未真實
And the games you play愛情遊戲裏
You would always win always win
妳永遠是贏家? 壹貫如此
But I set fire to the rain我在雨中燃起熊熊烈火
Watched it pour as I touched your face
我輕撫著妳的臉頰 大雨滂沱
Well it burned while I cried雨在燒 我在哭
Cause I heard it screaming out your name your name
因為我聽到內心深處在呼喚妳的名字 妳的名字
When I lay with you與妳***枕之時
I could stay there我方可停留? Close my eyes? 閉上雙眼
Feel you're here forever感覺好像妳永遠在我身邊
You and me together妳我相依相伴?
Nothing gets better此情無與倫比
Cause there's a side to you但是妳有壹面
That I never knew never knew我從未知曉 全然不知
All the things you'd say妳說過的話
They were never true never true全是謊言 從未真實
And the games you play愛情遊戲裏
You would always win always win妳永遠是贏家? 壹貫如此
But I set fire to the rain我在雨中燃起熊熊烈火
Watched it pour as I touched your face
我輕撫著妳的臉頰 大雨滂沱
Well it burned while I cried雨在燒 我在哭
Cause I heard it screaming out your name your name
因為我聽到內心深處在呼喚妳的名字 妳的名字
I set fire to the rain我在雨中燃起熊熊烈火
And I threw us into the flames將我們的愛付之壹炬
Well it felt something died隨著我不斷墜落 有些事情亦悄然逝去
Cause I knew that that was the last time the last time
因為我知道那是最後的時刻 愛的終點
Sometimes I wake up by the door有時我在門邊醒來
That heart you caught must be waiting for you
Even now when we're already over即使妳我如今情緣已盡
I can't help myself from looking for you
我依然情不自禁 尋覓妳的蹤影
I set fire to the rain我在雨中燃起熊熊烈火
Watch it pour as I touch your face
我輕撫著妳的臉頰 大雨滂沱
Well it burned while I cried雨在燒 我在哭
Cause I heard it screaming out your name your name
因為我聽到內心深處在呼喚妳的名字 妳的名字
I set fire to the rain我在雨中燃起熊熊烈火
And I threw us into the flames將我們的愛付之壹炬
Well it felt something died
隨著我不斷墜落 有些事情亦悄然逝去
Cause I knew that that was the last time
因為我知道那是最後的時刻 愛的終點
The last time oh oh oh no oh愛的終點 噢
Let it burn讓愛燃燒 Let it burn熊熊燃燒
Let it burn付之壹炬
《Set Fire to the Rain》是英國女歌手阿黛爾·阿德金斯演唱的壹首流行歌曲,歌詞、曲譜由阿黛爾·阿德金斯、弗雷澤·史密斯編寫,弗雷澤·史密斯負責音樂制作。
《Set Fire to the Rain》的創作由阿黛爾·阿德金斯和弗雷澤·史密斯兩人***同進行,音樂伴奏由弗雷澤壹人負責。在《Rolling In The Deep》錄制完成後,阿黛爾·阿德金斯與弗雷澤·史密斯進行會面。弗雷澤·史密斯在歌曲中融入鋼琴和弦,以及中速敲擊等。