古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - sox是什麽意思英語



The Red Sox lost the pennant to Detroit by a single game.? 紅襪隊以壹場之差將冠軍輸給了底特律隊。

One mother, filling out the form for her son, wrote in the blank next to "Sox": "Usually brown."? 壹位母親在為她的兒子填寫表格時,在“襪別”的那欄填上了:“棕色為主。”

Researching on Service Management Optimization in Mobile Communication Companies Based on SOX? 基於SOX法案的通信企業服務運營管理問題研究

When's the last time we went to a Sox game 我們什麽時候玩過那個猜襪子遊戲?Advantages and Disadvantages of SOX Act: An Analysis Based on Cost and Efficiency? 《薩班斯法案》孰是孰非:基於成本與效率(收益)的分析視角

The Red Sox have taken care of everything for us.? 紅襪隊照顧我們的壹切。Study on Building the Internal Control System in Listed Companies-Enlightenment of SOX Act? 上市公司內部控制體系構建的探討&SOX法案的啟示

The implementation of SOX Act requires correct IT management methodology.? SOX法案的實施對IT部門的規範化管理提出了直接的要求。

Does that mean you're set with the red sox 那代表妳打算加入紅襪隊嗎?And that's how the Red Sox won the world series.? 紅襪隊就是這麽贏世界系列賽的。