古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - panicked和panicky的區別是什麽?


兩個單詞同是形容詞,都來自\x0d\單詞 panic (名詞,動詞) 恐慌,驚慌\x0d\panicked 用於形容人或動物被事情招來恐慌,\x0d\而 panicky 用於形容恐慌的狀態\x0d\這些單詞的區別和不同用法可以從下面例句看到:\x0d\The headlights caused the deer to panic and run straight into the path of the car.\x0d\The deer was panicked into running straight for the headlights.\x0d\The people became panicked by the tornado warning and started a run on water and food.\x0d\She acted panicky at the interview and did not handle the interviewer's questions well.\x0d\The chairman of the company is given to quick, panicky decisions that are bad for the business.\x0d\We were at sea; the storm was coming; the waves were rising, and the situation was getting more panicky by the minute.