Chen Guang martyr's grave
Is located the Big Dipper park QiXia temple to head west hundredmeters, passed through a piece of luxuriant sweet-scented osmanthusforest, then arrives the Chen light martyr's grave.
The grave divides two parts, the monument and YiGuan grave. The grave isthe ellipse, the diameter 4 meters, the height 1.5 meters, theconcrete structure, the red quality of material, under the green jadetree green leaf complementing, is especially dazzling. In front of thegrave is the monument, the height 9 meters, the bricks and stonesmasonry and building, outside throws over the cement, the bottom isfive jiao places, the tower body is cylindrical for the fourdirections. Goes against plays the part of the five pointed star, itsfrontage engraves has "the Chen light martyr monument" sevenglittering large brush-written Chinese characters, the tower basedirectly inlays has the Chen light martyr fact carved stone, otherthree engraves has the preface.
Chen light (1,918 ~ 1,949), Guangdong Meixian person, family of aforeign national, original famous yi prosperous, the other nameraises. In 1939 joined the Communist Party of China, in 1943 is sentto oppose Japan toward the Guangxi Liuzhou leaders the work, in 1947was transferred to a new post east the cassiabarktree the area specialrepresentative, was responsible to develop eight step, area He Xian,Pingle, Huaiji's underground work. In the same year in October istransferred to a new post Guilin working committee secretary, isresponsible to open the Guilin underground party the work, establishesthe Communist Party of China Guilin working committee, and northleadership cassiabarktree guerrilla force. On October 5, 1949, becausethe rebel betrays is arrested, imprisons in the prison more thanmonths, experiences suffering tortures, throughout strong isunyielding. On November 15 is killed by the Kuomintang reactionariesnearby the Guilin north station railroad.
On January 14, 1951, the Chinese Communist Party Guilin municipalparty committee changed burial sites its remains in front of SevenStar Crag. Cherishes the memory of for the people looks at reverently,every time brings forth Pure Brightness season, comes the YoungPioneer, the Communist Youth Leaque member which sweeps the graveslays the wreath are continuous. The grave already listed as the Guilinkey cultural relic preservation organ.