Eyes 眼神
As clear as the morning skies 如晨間的天空般清澈
A cloud gently sweeping by 雲朵溫柔地飄走
Like wings from an angel's flight 似天使的翅膀拂過
Air 空氣
So sweet it scapes in sighs散落在甜蜜的嘆息中
As softly as wind through hair像風輕撫發端
The world through an angel's eyes 從天使的眼睛
Look all around 凝望這世界
Beauty can be found 隨處可見的美好
Laughter in playgrounds 操場上的微笑
Music in the sounds 沈醉音樂的侵擾
Smiles 微笑
Open, yet so shy 明朗中略帶羞澀
Like a little child 像個孩童
See through an angel's eyes 以天使的眼睛
Older couple, hand in hand 看看那對老人
Along the sea 牽手漫步海邊
Walk their golden years on sand隨意地光著腳
Barefoot and free 在金色年華中留下足印
In the middle of the night 在午夜
Under the Moon 皎潔的月光下
Shining silver hair and light...還有迎著月光的銀色發髻
It goes so soon雖然這壹切
Funny how time files 如此迅速就像戲劇
Keep your dreams in sight 但是從天使的眼光看出去
Through an angel's eyes 銘記這夢的美麗