tick tick tick tick tock tick tick tick tick tick tock tick tick tock tock don't stop OK, lets go (coz) Life is short 頭ん中だけで 考えてばかりいないで 人生はとても短いわ だから kiss me kiss me Walking down the street Come on, move your feet Feelings going deep Every kiss is sweet(mwah) All the gorgeous boiz Come and make some noise Listen to my voice You don't have no choice We can run Crazy girl! na-na-na-na-na Fun fun No.1 Uh~ We're done... Right or Wrong? The night is long We be strong Go, go, go~ c'mon!!! あなたがあなたで居てくれて嬉しい それはあなたにしか出來ない事だから 今日の失敗を引きずらないのよ 明日はまっさらで全て新しいのよ 今をめいいっぱい 楽しいんで過ごす事より 大切な事って なに? tell me tell me Go on a date Stay up late No heartbreak So we shake shake shake Let's stay out Crazy and proud Love the sound Play the music loud!!! Club goes boom Sing it girl na-na-na-na-na Everybody swoon Hot in the room You're the Party Queen And you're the Dancing Queen I'm a Lonely Queen Life is just a dream! あなたがあなたで居てくれて嬉しい それはあなたにしか出來ない事だから 昨日の後悔先に立たずよ 勝った自慢は負けた後悔よ tick tick tick tick tock tick tick tick tick tick tock tick tick tock tock 5,4,3,2,1
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick don't stop Ok,lets go (coz) Life is short 不要老是只在 腦子裏想 人生苦短 所以 kiss me kiss me Walking down the street Come on, move your feet Feelings going deep Every kiss is sweet (mwah) All the gorgeous boiz Come and make some noise Listen to my voice You don't have no choice We can run Crazy girl! na-na-na-na-na Fun fun No.1 Uh- We're done… Right or Wrong? The night is long We be strong Go, go, go - c'mon!!! 妳可以做妳自己真教人高興 因為那是只有妳才辦得到的事 不要執著於今天的失敗 明天就是全新的壹天壹切將煥然壹新 盡情的享受此刻 開心的活著 比這更重要的事 是什麼? tell me tell me Go on a date Stay up late No heartbreak So we shake shake shake Let's stay out Crazy and proud Love the sound Play the music loud!!! Club goes boom Sing it girl na-na-na-na-na Everybody swoon Hot in the room You're the Party Queen And you're the Dancing Queen I'm a Lonely Queen Life is just a dream! 妳可以做妳自己真教人高興 因為那是只有妳才辦得到的事 昨天的失敗就算後悔也來不及了 容易自滿的人將會因失敗而流淚 tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick 5,4,3,2,1