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The rose歌曲的中英文歌詞?

《The Rose 》是由Amanda McBroom創作於1978年,由Bette Midler在其領銜主演的《The Rose》(歌聲淚痕)中作為片尾曲首唱,Amanda特別為她配的合聲。後來相繼有多個當紅歌手爭相翻唱,包括紅遍全球的美國天才少女LeAnn Rimes,超人氣組合westlife,英國走紅女歌手Natalie Imbruglia,港臺老將林憶蓮與齊豫、黃鶯鶯,小天後蔡依林,新生力量阿桑,獨立樂團蘇打綠,更有日本唱功見長的矢野真紀和很少聽到的男生版本平井堅,還有日本的女歌手兼聲優手嶌葵(Aoi Teshima) 也翻唱過這個版本。 The Rose

Some say love, it is a river 有人說,愛是條河

That drowns the tender reed. 容易將柔弱的蘆草淹沒

Some say love, it is a razor 有人說,愛是把剃刀

That leaves your soul to bleed. 任由妳的靈魂淌血

Some say love, it is a hunger 有人說,愛是那轆轆饑腸

An endless, aching need. 壹種無盡的帶痛的需求

I say love it is a flower 我說,愛是壹朵花

And you its only seed 而妳,是唯壹的種籽

It's the heart afraid of breaking" 怕摔怕受傷的心

That never learns to dance. 永遠感受不到舞蹈的美

It's the dream afraid of waking" 怕好夢不長

That never takes the chance. 而讓機會悄悄溜走

It's the one who won"t be taken 怕付出的心靈

Who cannot seem to give. 永遠得不到收獲

And the soul afraid of dying" 怕死亡的靈魂

That never learns to live. 永遠無法明了生活的真諦

When the night has been too lonely 當夜顯得寂寞不堪

And the road has been too long 去路變得無盡漫長

And you think that love is only 當妳覺得只有幸運者

For the lucky and the strong 和強者才有幸得到愛...

Just remember in the winter 朋友,謹記,在嚴寒的冬日裏

Far beneath the bitter snows 酷雪的覆蓋下,躺著壹顆種籽

Lies the seed that with the sun"s love 壹旦春陽臨照

In the spring becomes the rose. 就能幻化成壹朵艷麗的玫瑰