古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - The Promise Ring

The Promise Ring

Size Of Your Life


Stop Playing Guitar


Suffer Never


Become One Anything One Time


Wake Up April


Get On The Floor


Half Year Sun


My Life Is At Home


Letters To The Far Reaches


Bread & Coffee


Say Goodbye Good


Feed The Night



4th full length from the popular band, produced by Stephen Street, who is known fro his work with The Smiths, Blur & The Cranberries. For fans of Jayhawk & Wilco. 2002.

Perspective is something that Milwaukee quintet The Promise Ring know a lot about. Over a couple of years and records they had climbed steady up the indie ladder in the US with their sensitive take on rock. And when they released their 1999 slice of poppy perfection 'Very Emergency', it seemed they were destined to become very big very quickly. But life had other plans.


Singer Davey von Bohlen was diagnosed with a brain tumour the size of a fist, and while it was removed and found to be benign, he developed a post-operative infection which required more surgery. More than enough to make anyone wonder about the value of verse/chorus/verse, but this story has the best and bravest of endings because The Promise Ring have made a truly great album.

Whereas their previous creations planted them firmly in the Emo camp, 'Wood/Water' sees them grow far taller than anyone could have expected, creating an atmospheric and deeply reflective record, which means more to you by the minute. Produced by Stephen Street, the man behind many of The Smiths' records, 'Wood/Water' has some of the most beautiful arrangements you'll have heard in quite some time, the gentlest of guitars and the most straight from the heart sentiments.

It's a testament to The Promise Ring's talents as writers that there's only one real singalong song here - the why-should-anyone-join-a-band? musings of 'On the Floor' - but its 11 other companions are every bit as compelling. Listening to von Bohlen's lyrics, it seems that many are thank you notes to life and whatever and whoever crosses his path, there's an empathy on this record that goes far beyond what you've been conditioned to expect.

You could single out the gospel-tinged redemption of 'Say Goodbye Good' and the crush-you-in-a-second beauty of 'Become One Anything One Time' as standouts, but that wouldn't do you, or The Promise Ring, any favours, because 'Wood/Water' sits as an experience, and one of the most life affirming you'll have this or any other year. This record will save you from just about anything. And that includes your worries.

Tracklisting: Size of Your Life - Stop Playing Guitar - Suffer Never - Become One Anything One Time - Wake up April - On the Floor - Half Year Sun - My Life is at Home - Letter to the Far Reaches - Bread and Coffee - Say Goodbye Good - Feed the Night

Wood/Wate是The Promise Ring這個流行組合的第四張全長專輯,由參與The Smiths, Blur和The Cranberries專輯制作而出名的Stephen Street擔任制作。

來自密爾沃基的五人樂隊The Promise Ring了解到很多關於前途的道理。在兩年和兩張唱片後他們憑借自己感性的搖滾嘗試穩穩地登上了美國優秀獨立樂隊的行列。當他們1999年發行完美的'Very Emergency'專輯時,看上去他們註定很快會變的很收歡迎。但世事難料。

歌手Davey von Bohlen被診斷出患有拳頭大小的腦瘤,當腫瘤被去除並被發現是良性後,他遭受了術後的感染,為此需要做更多的手術。但這個故事有其最好和最勇敢的結局,因為The Promise Ring做出了壹張偉大的專輯。

雖然他們之前的創作將他們定位為Emo,在'Wood/Water'中他們比任何人想象的都成長地快,創作出壹張有良好氛圍和深刻反應的唱片,對妳來說意味著很多。由參加了The Smiths'眾多幕後工作的Stephen Street擔任制作,'Wood/Water'有壹些妳將會聽到數次的最巧妙的安排,最美妙的吉他和最直接的心靈情感。

這是對The Promise Ring詞曲創作天資的壹次考驗,只有壹首真正的歌唱聚會歌曲--'Get On the Floor'。其他十壹首歌十分引人註意。聽von Bohlen的歌詞,看上去許多是對生命的感謝之辭以及他生活道路上遇到的事和遇到的人,這張唱片中有壹種***鳴,是妳從前所不能體會到的。

妳可以唱出突出的帶有福音味的實踐'Say Goodbye Good'和壹下子就吸引妳的'Become One Anything One Time',但是這不能足夠讓妳和The Promise Ring滿意,因為'Wood/Water'是壹種經驗,也是今年或者以後任何壹年妳會有的對生活最佳的確認之壹。

專輯曲目:Size of Your Life - Stop Playing Guitar - Suffer Never - Become One Anything One Time - Wake up April - On the Floor - Half Year Sun - My Life is at Home - Letter to the Far Reaches - Bread and Coffee - Say Goodbye Good - Feed the Night


The Promise Ring簡介

The Promise Ring was an American band from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In their early years, their music was usually classified as emo, but their later albums could be described more accurately as indie pop. The band was started in 1995 as a side project by Davey von Bohlen during his time as a guitarist/vocalist for Cap'n Jazz. VonBohlen started the project alongside guitarist Jason Gnewikow of None Left Standing, drummer Dan Didier of Ceilishrine, and bassist Scott Beschta.

1996 brought their first full-length album, titled 30° Everywhere, released by Jade Tree Records. The record was followed by 1997's Nothing Feels Good, which gained the band a larger following and rave reviews. The Horse Latitudes, which collected early tracks that were previously released as 7"s, was also released in 1997. After a change in bass players, 1998 saw the release of the Boys + Girls EP, which was released on both compact disc and 7", with the CD containing an additional song. In 1999 they furthered their success with the release of Very Emergency, which concentrated even more on their pop sound. The Electric Pink EP, released in 2000, however, failed to gain critical acclaim. Following their final release in 2002, titled wood/water, The Promise Ring decided to move on to new projects, like Von Bohlen's and Didier's new band named Maritime.

The Promise Ring來自美國威斯康辛州密爾沃基。在他們成立的早期幾年,他們的音樂被歸類為EMO(情緒硬核),但是他們後面幾張專輯可以被更精確地描述為流行獨立的風格。

在Davey von Bohlen還是Cap'n Jazz(壹支朋克樂隊)的吉他手兼主唱的1995年,這支樂隊開始作為他的附加計劃成立了。Von Bohlen和來自None Left Standing樂隊的吉他手

Jason Gnewikow,來自Ceilishrine樂隊的鼓手Dan Didier,貝司手Scott Beschta壹起開始組成了樂隊。

1996年他們發行了第壹張全長專輯《titled 30° Everywhere》,由Jade Tree唱片公司發行。1997年他們發行了專輯《Nothing Feels Good》,這張專輯給樂隊帶來了更多的支持

者,同時受到了好評。收集早先以7"s方式發行的歌曲而成的專輯《The Horse Latitudes》也在1997年發行。在更換了貝司手後,1998年發行了EP《Boys + Girls》,這張EP同時以光盤和7"的形式發行,其中光盤包含了壹首附加曲目。1999年他們更取得了更進壹步的成功,發行了專輯《Very Emergency》,The Promise Ring在這張專輯中比以往更註重於流行的層面。但是樂隊2000年發行的EP《Electric Pink》沒有取得好評。在2002年發行最後壹張專輯《wood/water》後,The Promise Ring決定轉移到壹些新的項目上去,Von Bohlen's和Didier的新樂隊《Maritime》就是壹個例子。