古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - Jaci Velasquez-It Wouldn't Be Christmas的歌詞和翻譯

Jaci Velasquez-It Wouldn't Be Christmas的歌詞和翻譯

It Wouldn't Be Christmas We hang the lights 我們掛上燈飾 Have snowball fights 打著雪仗 And sing our favorite tunes 唱著我們喜歡的歌曲 All of these are memories 這些是 I make each year with you 這幾年和妳壹起的回憶 We decorate the douglas together 我們壹起粉飾道格拉斯(我也不懂= =) And watch "It's A Wonderful Life" 觀看《風雲人物》 I look forward to every December 我都期待著每壹年的十二月 Cause you're always here by my side 因為妳會在這裏陪伴我 It wouldn't be Christmas without you 但沒有妳,就沒有聖誕節 The season would just come and go 冬季來了又去 The holiday cheer would all disappear 假日歡樂消盡 Along with the sleigh bells and snow 隨著雪橇鈴鐺和雪花 Santa and 8 little reindeers 聖誕老人和他的8只馴鹿啊 Might as well pass on through 還是依舊路過吧 Cause baby, 因為baby it wouldn't be Christmas without you 沒有妳,沒有聖誕節 The Angel Song In the chill of the night 在夜晚的寒冷中 While the moon gently sleeps 月亮輕輕入睡 I wander in silence on snow-laden streets 我走在snow-laden streets的寂靜中 As I gaze into sunsets over silhouette mountains 當我凝視夕陽沒過高山的剪影 I am amazed that the God who made all this, made me 我驚奇創造這壹切,創造了我的上帝 As my eyes were open I began to believe 當我睜開眼睛去相信 The mystery of Christmas was truly revealed 聖誕的奧秘就是真理的啟示 A great host of angels came calling to me 許多天使來召喚我 Taking me back to the pure sacred peace 帶領我回到那純潔神聖和平 Chorus: Singing la, la, lalala, lalalala, l alalalalala There's a savior born to us today 救世主今天為世界誕生 Singing la, la, lalala, lalalala, lalalalalala The Messiah, Christ the Lord 為了彌賽亞、基督、上帝。 In the light of the angels surrounding my soul 天使的聖光環繞著我的靈魂 I know for certain I'm never alone 我深知我不會孤單 Now let all of your children feel the love that you gave 現在,讓妳的孩子感受妳給予的愛 And in honor of you give it away 慶祝妳把愛分送給他們
