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Apache子項目Slide,現在已近廢除,替代工程Apache Jackrabbit。


基本介紹 外文名 :slide 屬於 :Apache子項目 主模組式 :簡單的內容管理框架 特點 :安全性、封閉性 這個Slide項目的主要模組是壹個可以做為內容管理框架底層的內容倉庫.它可以把內容信息存取到專門的,異質的,分散式的資料庫中.Slide還增加了security, locking, versioning等特性.Slide也提供了壹個WebDAV訪問模組(由於壹個servlet實現),WebDAV是壹個IETF標準被許多公司認可如Microsoft, IBM, Novell, Adobe等,所以所有通過Slide管理的數據也可以通過WebDAV來訪問也能夠進行遠程管理,還可以使用標準第三方工具. 介紹:The Slide project main module is a content repository, which can be seen as a low-level content management framework . Conceptually, it provides a hierarchical organization of binary content which can be stored into arbitrary, heterogenous, distributed data stores. In addition, Slide integrates security, locking, versioning, as well as many other services. (簡單的內容存儲系統,數據倉庫) It can integrate and manage data stored within external repositories, requiring only *** all abstraction layers to be written for each repository. That way, Slide can integrate the data from various physical locations in a hierachical and unified way. Slide uses can range from managing intra application content to using it as a file server. (可作為分散式數據儲存伺服器) Slide also offers a WebDAV aess module (implemented as a servlet). WebDAV is an IETF standard endorsed by companies like Microsoft, IBM, Novell, Adobe and many others. It makes Slide an ideal choice for web-based content management. All the data managed by Slide can be aessed through WebDAV, and enable remote administration and manipulation of the data managed by Slide using standard third party tools, along with the custom ones provided in the Slide distribution as additional tools. (提供WebDAV訪問模組,提供數據傳輸等功能) 備註:WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) 壹種基於 HTTP 1.1協定的通信協定。它擴展了HTTP 1.1,在GET、POST、HEAD等幾個HTTP標準方法以外添加了壹些新的方法,使應用程式可直接對Web Server直接讀寫,並支持寫檔案鎖定(Locking)及解鎖(Unlock),還可以支持檔案的版本控制。