古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - fuckin'perfect翻譯


很完美。還是妳要整首歌的翻譯?made a wrong turn once or twice


dug my way out blind and fine

探掘自己的出路 卻由烈獄炙焰鑄就

bad decisions thats all right

做出了錯誤決定 倒也無妨

welcome to my silly life


miss tradings please understood

被不公正對待 被錯誤定性 被誤解

“miss” no way is so good

“沒出息小姐” 這名頭有怎樣

yet didnt sold me down


miss taking always second guessing

被誤解 永遠被後見之明影響 還被低估

underestimating look im still around

睜眼看看吧 我壹直在妳身旁

pretty pretty please

Oh 姑娘 美麗的姑娘別這樣

dont u ever ever feel

請妳別想 妳永遠別想

like u less than ****ing perfect

不要覺得 妳是那該死的完美當中的瑕疵品

pretty pretty please

姑娘 美麗的姑娘求求妳

if u ever ever feel


ike u loving u ****ing perfect to me

至少我眼裏的妳 是TM的最完美的

is so mean when u told


about u sounds u r around

妳竟然會說 自己的出現本來就是壹個錯誤

change the voices in ur head


make them like u instead


so complicated look how be a making

那樣的糾結 表面笑顏以對 妳能做到的

feels so much hatred


such a tired game


if its enough ive done all i can think of

我受夠了 我已經做了力所能及的事了

chase down all my demons see u do the same

抓到我所有的夢魘 我曾見過妳做同樣的事

pretty pretty please Oh

姑娘 美麗的姑娘別這樣

dont u ever ever feel

請妳別想 妳永遠別想

like u less than ****ing perfect

不要覺得 妳是那該死的完美當中的瑕疵品

pretty pretty please

姑娘 美麗的姑娘求求妳

if u ever ever feel


like u loving u ****ing perfect to me

至少我眼裏的妳 是TM的最完美的

whole world scare so i swallow all the fear

(全世界都在害怕 那麽我就吞咽下恐懼)

the only thing i should be drink is ice cold bear

(我唯壹能吞咽的 就是壹杯杯冰冷的啤酒)

so cool in line and we try try try

(那麽重返前線 鎮定心神 再次努力嘗試奮鬥)

both we try too hard so waste my time

(但我們那麽拼命的努力 終究只是付諸東流)

dont looking for the critics just everywhwere

(勿需找尋批評謾罵 因為它他隨處可見)

they dont like my dreams

(別人不喜歡我的牛仔褲 )

they dont get my hair


exchange ourselves we do all everytime

(與自己交流 壹直以來我們都這麽做)

why do we do that why do i do that

(為什麽我們這麽做 為什麽我要那麽做)

why do i do that


pretty pretty please

姑娘 美麗的姑娘別這樣

dont u ever ever feel

請妳別想 妳永遠別想

like u less than ****ing perfect

不要覺得 妳是那該死的完美當中的瑕疵品

pretty pretty please

姑娘 美麗的姑娘求求妳

if u ever ever feel


like u loving u ****ing perfect to me

至少我眼裏的妳 是TM的最完美的

u r perfect


u r perfect to me


pretty pretty please

姑娘 美麗的姑娘別這樣

if u ever ever feel

請妳別想 妳永遠別想

like u loving u ****ing perfect to me

至少我眼裏的妳 是TM的最完美的