gorilla的意思為:n. 大猩猩
A. The mountain g gorilla is on the verge of extinction. 居住在山區的大猩猩已瀕臨滅絕。?
B. The Judge was a Monkey,a large Gorilla venerable with age. 法官是壹只猴子,壹只年老而德高望重的大猩猩。
C. The zookeeper explains to the mime that the zoo's most popular attraction,a gorilla,has died suddenly. 動物園管理員對啞劇演員解釋到,那只動物園裏最受大 家歡迎的、最能吸引遊人的大猩猩突然死了。
D. In 2008,at a German zoo,a gorilla named Gana gave birth to a male infant,who died after three months. 2008年,在德國壹家動物園,壹只名叫加納(Gana)的 大猩猩生下了壹只雄寶寶,但三個月後就天折了。