古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - Woodkid_Iron歌詞翻譯


Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away.深海之處,壹片死寂。

Where innocence's burn in flames.無辜生命,烈焰吞噬。

A million mile from home, I'm walking ahead.背井離鄉,漸行漸遠。

I'm frozen to the bones, I am...徹骨寒冷,我是……

A soldier on my own, I don't know the way.獨行刺客,行無目的。

I'm riding up the heights of shame.獨步飛乘,恥辱之巔。

I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest.誠待召喚,胸前執手。

I'm ready for the fight, and fate....準備壹戰,命運……

The sound of iron shocks is stuck in my head.金戈聲聲,沖擊腦海。

The thunder of the drums dictates.戰鼓陣陣,指引心路。

The rhythm of the falls, the number of dead's.山倒之律,死屍壹片。

The rising of the horns, ahead....號角之音,前方……

From the dawn of time to the end of days.亡靈序曲,末世浩劫。

I will have to run away,身不由己,奔走江湖。

I want to feel the pain and the bitter taste.心經痛徹,體悟苦澀。

Of the blood on my lips, again....嘴角鮮血,再次……

This deadly burst of snow is burning my hands.雪烈肅殺,燒紅吾手。

I'm frozen to the bones, I am...徹骨寒冷,而我……

A million mile from home, I'm walking away.背井離鄉,默默離開。

I can't remind your eyes, your face.我已遺忘,妳的雙眼,妳的臉龐