Just as there is paradise in heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.
Suzhou, the famous historical and cultural city, is world-famous for a lot of extremely elegant gardens. Suzhou is located in the Yangtze River delta with a moist climate and convenient transportation. Public officials in the old times inclined to build gardens in Suzhou to spend their late years.
In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the feudalistic economy and culture in Suzhou reached its summit, leading garden art to maturity. A large number of garden artists came into being, causing the upsurge of the construction of gardens. During the prime time, there were 280 private gardens and courtyards in Suzhou,among which the well-preserved and opened to the public now a days are the Canglang Pavilion and the Wangshi Garden in the Song Dynasty, Shizilin in the Yuan Dynasty,Zhuozheng Garden, Yipu in the Ming Dynasty, Liuyuan, Ouyuan, Yiyuan, Quanyuan,Tingfengyuan in the Qing Dynasty, etc. Zhuozheng Garden,Liuyuan, Wangshi Garden and Huanxiu Villa are incorporated into the "World Cultural Heritage" in the late 1997 by UNESCO for their elaborate art and explicit characteristics.
The gardens in Suzhou are the "mountain forests in cities with natural beauty." with profound cultural implications. When people in the downtown enter the gardens,they would joy the beauty of the nature in the concentrated" natural world" with the changes of time and seasons, where, one spoonful of water means lake and one fist-size stone stands for a hill. People can" enjoy the beauty and quietness of the mountain forests and the pleasure of spring and brooks in the downtown."
The gardens in Suzhou are the "Gardens for man of Letters". ?The garden builders in the ancient times well-educated. They could both write poems and draw paintings. The gardens based on the paintings and poems, look like vivid pictures through the ponds and hills and are regarded as "Soundless poems and three-dimensional paintings" Visitors wandering in the gardens feel as if they are appreciating a poem or a painting. In order to show the interests, temperament and ideals of the owners of the gardens,there are also tablets and couplets, such as "Yuanxiangtang which means the fragrance of the lotus symbolizing human character,"Xiangzhou" , which means the elegant sweet grass symbolizing noble temperament and "Huafangzhai", which describes the crave for the lives of the ancient people drifting like a boat, and "Zhenyi", "Xiao taoyuan" in Wangshiyuan,which reflect the longing of the garden owner for an idle life in the countryside, etc.
These inscriptions are integrated naturally and harmoniously into the archiectures, hills and rivers, flowers and trees in the garden, endowing them with far-reaching prospects. Accordingly , visitors can derive the enjoyment of beauty and the relish of soul when roaming in the garden.
蘇州園林是文化意蘊深厚的"文人寫意山水園"。古代的造園者都有很高的文化修養,能詩善畫,造園時多以畫為本,以詩為題,通過鑿池堆山、栽花種樹,創造出具有詩情畫意的景觀,被稱為是"無聲的詩,立體的畫"。在園林中遊賞,猶如在品詩,又如在賞畫。為了表達園主的情趣、理想、追求,園林建築與景觀又有匾額、榷聯之類的詩文題刻,有以清幽的荷香自喻人品(拙政園"遠香堂") ,有以清雅的香草自喻性情高潔(拙政因"香州") ,有追慕占人似小船自由漂蕩怡然臼得的(怡園"畫肪齋") ,還有表現園主企慕恬淡的四園生活的(網師園"真意"、留園"小桃源")等等,不壹而足。這些充滿著書卷氣的詩文題刻與園內的建築、山水、花木自 然和諧地棵和在壹起,使園林的壹山壹水、壹草壹木均能產生深遠的意境,1尚祥其中,可得到心靈的陶冶和美的享受。
篇二:蘇州園林導遊詞The Humble Administrator's Garden (Zhuozheng Yuan)
The beautiful waterside City of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province in South China is most famous for its elegant classical gardens.Among these,the Humble Administrator's Garden,covering about 52,000 sq.meters (12.85 acres),is the largest and most renowned.Due to its unique designs and ethereal beauty,the garden has garnered many special honors.It is listed as a World Cultural Heritage site and has also been designated as one of the Cultural Relics of National Importance under the Protection of the State as well as a Special Tourist Attraction of China.Along with the Summer Palace in Beijing,the Mountain Resort of Chengde in Hebei Province and the Lingering Garden in Suzhou,it is considered as one of China's four most famous gardens.No other classic garden in the country has been honored more than this one.
The Humble Administrator's Garden was originally built in 1509 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).It was initially a private garden of a former government servant named Wang Xianchen.It was said he intended to build a garden after retired and just do some gardening work like planting trees and vegetables there,which was said to be the life of a humble man by him.Hence is the name of the garden.The garden was created upon the old relics of a resident and a temple.Water feature is the main background and its natural landscape includes small forests,hills and rock formations.It also has man-made pavilions,halls and parlors.Unlike the Grand View Garden and other famous gardens in Beijing,it is representative of the Ming Dynasty building style.
The garden consists of Eastern,Central and Western sections as well as some residences of the former owners.The resident houses are typical of the style of Suzhou Local Residences,whose feature can be seen in the famous water township Zhouzhuang not far from Suzhou City.The site of the residences has been rebuilt as the Garden Museum now.
Eastern Section
The Eastern Section is dotted with sheer hills,green grasses,dense bamboo and pine forests and winding streams.The main building is the Cymbidium Goeingii Hall (Lanxiang Tang).Its south wall has a panoramic map of the entire garden.Another impressive structure is the Celestial Spring Pavilion (Tianquan Ting),which gets its name from an ancient well inside whose water tastes very sweet.
Central Section
The Central Section is the truly elite part of the garden,with one-third of its area covered by water.It is lined with exuberant trees and elegant parlors.Pavilions and courtyards are clustered throughout.The Hall of Distant Fragrance (Yuanxiang Tang) is the main building that is named after a lotus pool nearby.When the summer comes the pool is filled with lotuses and the heady fragrance wafts into the building.The hall is designed with oversized glass windows on all sides for easy viewing.Nearby is the Small Flying Rainbow Bridge (Xiaofeihong),a rare type of bridge and the only one in the garden you can walk across.
Western Section
The main building in the Western Section is a stately and ornate hall which is divided into two by a massive screen.The south part is 18 Camellias Hall (Shiba Mantuoluohua Guan) and the north part is the 36 Pairs of Mandarin Duck's Hall (Saliu Yuanyang Guan).In a nearby pool where the ducks were fed,stands an octagonal Pagoda Reflection Pavilion (Taying Ting); there is an optical illusion here - it appears as if a pagoda was lifting when all we actually see is the reflection of the pavilion.
In recent years,the Humble Administrator's Garden has been the site of many floral exhibitions.Every spring and summer,the garden hosts the Azalea Festival and the Lotus Festival.There are bonsai shows in the aptly named Bonsai Garden (Penjing Yuan) in the Western Section while precious Chinese stones are shown in the Elegant Stone House (Yashi Zhai) in the Central Section.
After touring the garden,you may want to visit Lion Grove Garden,a famous classical garden of a different style.Also,there are many museums nearby if you want to more deeply explore the gardening techniques and customs of Suzhou.
拙政園原為明朝(公元1368 - 1644年)建於1509年,最初是壹位前政府仆人王先臣的私人花園,據說他打算退休後修建壹個花園,做壹些園藝像在那裏種植樹木和蔬菜那樣工作,據說是他的壹個謙卑人的生活。因此是花園的名字。花園是在壹個居民和壹個寺廟的舊文物創建的。水景是主要的背景和自然景觀包括小森林,丘陵和巖石形成,還有人造的亭子,大廳和客廳。不像北京的大觀園等著名園林,它是明代建築風格的代表。
西區的主樓是壹座華麗的大廳,由壹個巨大的屏風分成兩部分。南部是18座山茶館(司馬摩羅羅華館),北部是36對鴛鴦館(薩遼元陽在附近的壹個鴨子池裏,站著壹座八角塔反射亭(Taying Ting); 這裏有壹種幻覺 - 當我們真正看到的是壹座寶塔正在反思的時候。