"In which"強調在某個特定的事物或情況中。"For which"強調為了某個特定的目的或原因。"On which"強調在某個特定的對象或事物上。"At which"強調在某個特定的地點或位置上。它們在釋義、用法、使用環境、影響範圍和形象上存在壹些區別,具體內容如下所示。
1. 釋義區別:
"In which"表示在某個特定的事物或情況中。"For which"表示為了某個特定的目的或原因。"On which"表示在某個特定的對象或事物上。"At which"表示在某個特定的地點或位置上。
"The room in which I stayed was very comfortable."(我住的房間非常舒適。)
"She bought a present for which I am grateful."(她給我買了壹份禮物,我非常感激。)
"The book on which I am reading is very interesting."(我正在讀的這本書非常有趣。)
"The party will be held at which venue?"(派對將在哪個地點舉行?)
2. 語法區別:
"In which"和"for which"通常用於從句中,引導壹個描述或解釋的定語從句。"On which"和"at which"通常用於從句中,引導壹個描述或解釋的副詞從句。
"I visited the city in which I grew up."(我參觀了我長大的那個城市。)
"He made a decision for which there were several reasons."(他做出了壹個有幾個原因的決定。)
"The restaurant has a balcony on which you can enjoy the view."(這家餐廳有壹個陽臺,妳可以在那裏欣賞風景。)
"He pointed to the building at which the incident occurred."(他指著事情發生的那棟樓。)
3. 用法區別:
"In which"和"for which"引導的從句通常用來提供補充信息或解釋前面提到的事物。"On which"和"at which"引導的從句通常用來描述或解釋前面提到的地點、位置或對象。
"She showed me her new house, in which there was a beautiful garden."(她帶我參觀她的新房子,裏面有壹個美麗的花園。)
"He organized a meeting, for which he prepared a detailed presentation."(他組織了壹次會議,為此他準備了壹個詳細的演示文稿。)
"They built a platform on which the statue was placed."(他們建了壹個平臺,上面放置了雕像。)
"The movie theater, at which we watched the film, was packed with people."(我們觀看電影的電影院座無虛席。)
4. 使用環境區別:
"In which"適用於各種場景,用於描述特定的事物、情況或狀態。"For which"適用於正式場合或書面語,用於描述目的、原因或感激之情。"On which"和"at which"適用於正式場合或書面語,用於描述地點、位置或對象。
"The experiment, in which they tested the new drug, produced promising results."(他們進行的實驗測試了新藥物,取得了有希望的結果。)
"He made a suggestion, for which he received praise from his colleagues."(他提出了壹個建議,因此獲得了同事們的贊賞。)
"The museum has an exhibition on which they display ancient artifacts."(博物館設有壹個展覽,展示古代文物。)
"The conference will be held at which leading experts in the field will give presentations."(會議將在那裏舉行,該領域的知名專家將發表演講。)