古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - stop翻譯成中文




stop也可作“標點符號,句點”解,英式英語把“句號”叫a full stop,而美國人稱之為a period,在音樂術語裏,stop可表示“風琴的排列的管子”“球狀或桿狀的音栓”“管樂器上的按孔”等。在語音學術語裏,stop可作“塞音”解,指氣流受阻後突然釋放發出的輔音,又稱閉鎖輔音。stop用作不及物動詞時,其後可接動詞不定式作目的狀語。


1、And so far, not even the combined official powers of the Fed and Treasury have been able to stop the cascading disasters.(到目前為止,即便美聯儲和財政部的權力合為壹體,也無力阻止層層疊疊的災難發生。)

2、I remember Cult turning his head a quarter hearing my cry for help but in the stress we all were in no one had the time to stop.(我記得邪教在談到他的頭四分之壹聽我的呼救聲,但在強調我們都是在沒有人的時候停止。)

3、Then the old security lady yelled for me to stop. She told me my books were on the top of my car but one had already fallen off.(守停車場的大媽喊我停車,說我把書放在了車頂上,有壹本已經掉了。)

4、He said another demonstrator was arrested because she refused to stop taking photographs of the arrests.(他說,有壹名示威者因拒絕停止拍攝捕人畫面而被捕。)

5、With both of us pulling, the seam of his pocket rips and he starts yelling at me to stop, but I won't.(我們兩個人這麽撕扯著,他的口袋被扯開了線。他開始向我大吼,讓我住手。)

6、Those going to the International Building please get ready to get off at the next stop.(到國際大廈的乘客在下壹站下車,請做好準備。)