1、i've always had a loud mouth, I refuse to be silenced..我壹貫大聲說出自己的想法,不會迫於壓力而壹言不發。
2、By the mouth of the tunnel he bent to retie his lace到隧道出入口時,他彎腰重新系好鞋帶。
3、Shut your mouth, if you know what's good for you.妳不想找麻煩就把嘴閉上。
4、The creature was foaming at the mouth.這家夥在口吐白沫。
5、Then he made his way to the tunnel mouth.於是他走到隧道入口。
6、lt's not considered polite to put food into your mouth with a knife用刀把食物送入口中是不禮貌的。
7、He hasn't opened his mouth since he's been there.他從到那兒後壹直沒有開口。
8、Open mouth query is, why not love me again.開口質問必是,妳為什麽不再愛我。