古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - wax on wax off怎麽會有‘持之以恒 ’的意思!求解|!

wax on wax off怎麽會有‘持之以恒 ’的意思!求解|!

NHK : It's from the movie "The Karate Kid" (= 1984) starring Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita...Mr. Miyagi was supposed to be teaching Daniel karate...but all summer the karate master had the kid just painting stuff and waxing his car...However...the painting and waxing techniques were secretly teaching his muscles karate moves...and when the karate lessons actually began...he found it relatively easy to learn..."Wax on, wax off" was one of the stern instructions repeated at the beginning of the lessons...Daniel LaRusso (= Ralph Macchio) thought he was wasting his time doing chores for Mr. Miyagi...He thought to learn karate, you had to train in karate moves...Mr. Miyagi was developing the muscles, concentration and skills needed in karate by other means of extensive training~...看完1984年的美國電影...空手道小子...妳自然就會明白...這是1句口號...叫"上臘, 刮臘"...是徒弟 Daniel 跟師父學空手道前...師父叫他天天去替他的車子上臘...刮臘...和 painting stuff...其實...就是鍛練徒弟的肌肉和動作...Daniel 在上臘...和剛剛正式上空手道課的時候...遇到困難...就會以這1句口號...Wax on, Wax off !!...勉勵自已...這1句的隱喻...其實是"堅持, 不放棄"...翻譯作"持之以恒"...也是可以滴~...自從電影在美國播放以後...這句 Wax on, Wax off 就成為美語世界的口頭語...代表挺下去...不放棄的意思...當年這套電影裏的空手道師父...叫 Mr. Miyagi (= 宮城老師)...這個日本人的姓氏...在美國...也曾經有1段時間...変成了"嚴師"的代名詞~...而成龍在去年...也曾經重拍這套美國電影...名字也是叫 The Karate Kid (= 空手道小子)........ NHK : 1984年...由 Ralph Macchio 主演的美國電影...The Karate Kid~ NHK : 2010年...由 成龍 重拍的...The Karate Kid~