being,意為“ 存在;生物;身心;生活,有生命;本質”; 作形容詞時意為“存在的”;作動詞時意為“存在;在場;從事;就是;代表(be 的現在分詞)”。
1.?Being?is the present participle of . be的現在分詞
2. V-LINK?Being?is used in nonfinite clauses where you are giving the reason for something. 用於非限定分句,表示原因
3. N-COUNT You can refer to any real or imaginary creature as a?being. (任何真實或虛構的) 生物例:People expect a horse to perform like a car, with no thought for its feelings as a living being. 人們期望壹匹馬能表現得像壹輛車那樣,卻沒考慮到它作為壹個活的生物的感受。
4. N-UNCOUNT?Being?is existence. Something that is?in being?or comes?into being?exists. 存在例:Abraham Maslow described psychology as "the science of being." 亞伯拉罕·馬斯洛將心理學描述為“存在科學”。