古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - bummie什麽意思


1. bummie : girl who acts like a hoe

e.g that girl's the biggest bummie ever

from urban Dictionary

行為像妓女壹樣的女孩(並不是指妓女,大多指搞壞個人聚會的女人,壹般用其復數形式)說白了就是臟話 列句請看下

1. bummies

bummin ass hoes (usually female) that bring down the persona of the party, especially the ones that either complain about everything, or the ones that cockblock.

"Man this party would be tight if it wasn't for the bummies"

"I know, they really know how to kill a party"

"...fuckin bummies"

"fuck-in bummies"